Workshop : Machine learning enabled searches for new physics in astrophysical data

IFPU Focus Week

IFPU Focus Week

Trieste. Italy

3-7 April, 15-20 participants.  


Gather scientists across the physics and machine learning communities to revolutionize the analysis of astrophysical, astroparticle and particle physics data by adopting and developing new ML techniques, with the overarching aim to discern signals of new physics. In particular, our week-long event will be structured around thematic days: each day will be dedicated to a prominent ML technique, which will be discussed in the context of the science challenges that astrophysical and astroparticle data bring in relation to it. 


Zoom links 


Morning sessions are available over zoom.


In addition, Shirley Ho's talk on Thursday at 3PM will  be given via zoom,


Social events


On Tuesday we will meet for an aperitivo at 7PM at Cemut, piccola osteria Friulana


On Thursday evening we  will go for a dinner at 8PM to Pizzeria da Pino


Confirmed participants 


Elena Cuoco (Data Science Office at European Gravitational Observatory and Scuola Normale Superiore)

Giulia Despali (Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Uni Heidelberg)

Efstratios Gavves (Uni of Amsterdam)

Shirley Ho (Flatiron Institute) (Via Zoom)

Sebastian Matthias Wagner-Carena (Stanford)

Christos Sakaridis (ETH, Zurich)

Savannah J. Thais (Columbia Un.) 

Christoph Weniger (GRAPPA, Uni Amsterdam) 




Sascha Caron (Nikhef & Radboud University)

Roberto Ruiz (Un. Valencia)

Roberto Trotta (SISSA & Imperial College London)

Gabrijela Zaharijas (Un. Nova Gorica)

Piero Ullio (SISSA)