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TH String Theory Seminar

Computing bulk microstates

by Ji Hoon Lee (Perimeter Institute)

Online only (CERN)

Online only



A central question in AdS/CFT is how the string degrees of freedom are organized in the dual gauge theory. In my talk, I present an exact formula that relates the BPS sectors of U(N) gauge theories and their string duals. The formula expresses the finite N superconformal index of a U(N) gauge theory as a sum over stacks of bulk giant graviton branes. I explain how to holographically construct the indices of bulk string/brane configurations by analyzing the modifications of determinant operators in gauge theory. Finally, I discuss implications for black holes and the bulk BPS Hilbert space. Based on 2109.02545 and 2204.09286

String Seminars
Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Ruben Monten, Ethan Martin Torres, Pascal Pignereau
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