- Melih Arslan Ozcelik (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Cyrille Marquet (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique)
- Michael Fucilla
Pseudo- and quasi-parton distribution functions (PDFs) defined through space-like bilocal operators allow for direct access to the PDFs from first principles in lattice gauge theory. However, this formalism currently leaves the small Bjorken $x$ regime inaccessible. With the future Electron-Ion Collider in mind, it is timely to study the PDFs at small-$x$. In a previous calculation, we showed...
QCD multiple scattering plays an essential role in explaining the observed nontrivial phenomena in high energy nuclear collisions. In cold nuclear medium, there are two extensively used theoretical frameworks for describing QCD multiple scatterings, i.e. the high-twist approach and the color glass condensate (gluon saturation) framework that resums multiple eikonal scattering. In this talk, we...
The $p_T$-integrated cross section of inclusive hadro and photo-production of heavy quarkonia when computed up to NLO in Collinear Factorisation(CF) shows a perturbative instability at high hadronic or photon-hadron collision energies -- the cross section could turn negative for reasonable factorisation/renormalisation scale-choices. We solve this problem by resummation of the subset of LLA...
The production of $\eta_c$ in diffractive $ep$ and $eA$ collisions has been suggested as a golden probe of the C-odd QCD interaction, the odderon. Previous studies of this process have considered a linearised Bartels-Kwiecinski-Praszalowicz odderon [1-3], which is appropriate in the dilute regime where the x region probed in the proton is not too small. In this work [4], we explore this...