The science and technology of DUNE
The DUNE experiment is one of the most ambitious projects ever conceived in neutrino physics and is currently under construction at Fermilab and SURF. Its science addresses neutrino oscillations with a wide-band accelerator neutrino beam, together with astroparticles, multimessenger physics, and physics beyond the Standard Model using natural sources. Such a broad programme is supported by the superior imaging capability of the DUNE liquid argon TPC, its unprecedented mass, and its deep underground location. In this seminar, we will review the science of DUNE, which includes the determination of the neutrino mass ordering and the study of CP violation in the leptonic sector, together with potential observation of supernova explosions, proton decay, and precision studies of atmospheric and solar neutrinos. We will give special emphasis on the technology achievements attained at CERN thanks to ProtoDUNE and the role of the CERN Neutrino Platform in the years to come. Finally, we will discuss the R&D effort for the last DUNE module - Module of Opportunity - whose design has not been finalized yet and reaps the latest technology advances to open new physics windows in rare event searches and low energy physics.
Prof. Francesco Terranova has been working in experimental neutrino physics for about 20 years giving significant contributions to the construction, running and data analysis of OPERA (observation of tau neutrino appearance in a long-baseline experiment), CUORE (search for neutrinoless double-beta decay with bolometers), and proposing the concept of “monitored neutrino beam” (NP06/ENUBET). His contributions to the field also include studies on novel neutrino sources (beta beams, neutrino factory, and tagged neutrino beams) and R&D on single-phase liquid argon TPC.
He is a member of the DUNE Collaboration and technical lead of the Photon Detection System.
Augusto Ceccucci (EP/SME)