17 November 2023
Europe/London timezone

UK-QFT XII will take place on the 17th of November of 2023 in person at the Institute of Physics (IOP) close to King's Cross station in London.


The UK-QFT meetings provide a unique opportunity to bring together researchers from the UK communities and overseas, who are working at the forefronts of quantum field theory (QFT) and quantum gravity research across high-energy physics, cosmology, and astroparticle physics.  Past topics have covered both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of QFT, and included, for example scattering amplitudes, the quantum effective action, functional renormalization group approaches, lattice field theory, cosmology, non-equilibrium phenomena, phase transitions and topological defects (all from the perspective of the underlying QFT description).  The history of the meetings can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/uk-qft.


Postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers are particularly encouraged to attend and present their work through short accessible talks, providing an inspiring and informal environment for members of the community at all career stages to engage with one another.  The meetings are held on a single day, and there are no registration fees, to ensure the widest possible participation. We can provide some travel support within the UK, please indicate if you would like to apply for it when registering.


Follow @uk_qft or join the mailing list at https://sites.google.com/view/uk-qft for information from the UK-QFT community.

We acknowledge funding from the IPPP Durham, the IOP HEPP group and Imperial College London and administrative support from Imperial College London.



37 Caledonian Road London N1 9BU UK
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