Gaseous detectors: present features and future role



Lectures and Laboratories will take place in building 155-R-047 and 154-R-010 respectively - Both are located within 10 min walking from main Building
Gaseous Detector Laboratory, WORK PROGRAMME
  • Tuesday 1 February
    • 09:00 10:00
      Gaseous detectors Principles, Performance and Limitations 1h
      Speakers: Fabio Sauli (TERA Foundation), Rob Veenhof (CERN)
      Basics of Gas Detectors, Introd. (H.Schindler)
      Basics of Gas Detectors (R.Veenhof)
    • 10:10 13:00
      Laboratories session on Basic Principles of Gaseous Detectors 2h 50m
      • 1a. Large gas detector systems at LHC, the ATLAS TRT Detector 2h 50m
        Speaker: Anatoli Romaniouk (Moscow Physical Engineering Inst.)
      • 1b. Principles of straw detectors and their FE electronics 2h 50m
        Speakers: Antonino Sergi (CERN), Hans Danielsson (CERN), Peter Lichard (CERN)
        NA62 Straw Setup Lab Write-up
      • 1c. Drift Tubes, gas mixtures and drift velocities 2h 50m
        Speaker: Joerg Dubbert (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik)
        Drift Tubes Lab Write-up
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch break 1h
    • 14:00 18:30
      Laboratories session on Micro-Pattern, Strip-based detectors and Simulation tools 4h 30m
      • 2a. GEM Detectors: assembling and functioning 4h 30m
        Speakers: Giovanni Bencivenni (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF)), Leszek Ropelewski (CERN)
      • 2b. GridPix and Micromegas: fundamental concepts and charge detection 4h 30m
        Speakers: Harry Van Der Graaf (NIKHEF), Paul Colas (IRFU-cea - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay)
      • 2c. Muon spectrometers 4h 30m
        Speakers: George Mikenberg (Department of Particle Physics), Roberto Guida (Univ. + INFN)
        RPC Lab
        TGC Lab Write-up
      • 2d. Simulation of drift-tubes 4h 30m
        Speakers: Rob Veenhof (CERN), Stephen Biagi