18 February 2023
University of Houston - Main Campus
US/Central timezone

Using Xenon-Doped Liquid Argon Scintillation for Full-Body, Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography

18 Feb 2023, 13:45
University of Houston - Main Campus

University of Houston - Main Campus

101 Farish Hall
Talk Medical Physics Parallel Session 1


Alejandro Ramirez


Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is used to observe metabolic processes within patients. It works by reconstructing the annihilation origin of incident gamma rays produced by a positron emitting tracer. However, inefficiencies of current PET technology, such as the use of photomultiplier tubes, can result in poor imaging. In addition, current PET scanners possess a small field of view which limits the sensitivity. We propose 3Dπ: a full body, Time of Flight (TOF) PET scanner using Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) coupled with a Xenon-doped Liquid Argon (LAr+Xe) scintillator.
We simulated this design using Geant4 while following the National Electrical Manufacturers Association’s evaluation tests (2018) for performance assessment. We will present results that highlight a 200-fold increase in sensitivity, spatial resolutions comparable to commercial PET scanners, performance based on the Noise Equivalent Count Rate metric and produce PET images from 15-30 second scans, faster than traditional non-full-body 30-35-minute scans. Further studies will involve optimizing the design of the scanner, understanding the noise produced by the detector and developing hardware prototype tests.
With the LAr+Xe scintillator and SiPMs of 3Dπ, we can use the precise TOF info of gamma rays to improve the localization of individual positron annihilations, and as one example benefit, provide low-dose PET scans for patients who may be at high risk for exposure to radiation.

Academic year 4th year
Research Advisor Andrew Renshaw

Primary authors

Alejandro Ramirez Andrew Lee Renshaw (University of Houston (US)) Dr Azam Zabihi Cristiano Galbiati (Princeton University) Dr Davide Franco (APC) Federico Gabriele (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT)) Dr Hanguo Wang (University of California Los Angeles (US)) Masayuki Wada Michela Lai (INFN Cagliari) Xinran Li (Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory)

Presentation materials