18 February 2023
University of Houston - Main Campus
US/Central timezone

Elliptic flow measurement in Xe-Xe collisions at \sqrt{S_{NN}}=$5.44 Tev$

18 Feb 2023, 14:00
University of Houston - Main Campus

University of Houston - Main Campus

101 Farish Hall
Talk High Energy Physics, Nuclear Theory and QFT Parallel Session 1


Iris Likmeta (University of Houston (US))


In heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies that Large Hadron Collider (LHC) achieves, a hot and dense medium called quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is created. Intriguingly, the collective motion of produced particles forms an almond shape, that is thought to be the signature of QGP formation. Colliding Xe-Xe nuclei in ALICE experiment at the LHC we can determine the initial state of the collision by measuring the flow parameter $v_{2}$. In this talk, we present how to measure the elliptic flow coefficient $v_{2}$ in Xe-Xe collisions using direct calculations from Q-cumulant method. The centrality dependence of $v_{2}$ shows that is increasing from ultra central to mid peripheral collisions because of the initial geometry of the system. For higher order multi-particle cumulants $v_{2}\{ m\}$ we observe the suppression of non flow effects, as well as, the fact that the system is driven by flow fluctuations.

Academic year 3rd year
Research Advisor Anthony Timmins


Iris Likmeta (University of Houston (US))

Presentation materials