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Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
Present: A. Sailer, M.Frank, S.Banerjee, T.Madlehner
1) Pending problems
1) DDDigi TBB code needs migration to new oneAPI TBB interfaces (Issue 901):
Clash between Intel oneapi TBB and classic TBB.
-- Wouter promised to look into.
2) Issue 940: Integration of external library (CRY) for cosmic ray generation in DDG4 simulation: on hold
3) Issue 970: Support for digitization in ddsim: on hold
4) Issue 984: DD4hep output with MarlinDD4hep
6) Issue 1014: Issue using optical surfaces
===> Related: Issue 1027 (Program never stops)
7) Issue 1034: DD4hep and Opticks (Sarah)
To be closed
5) Issue 988: Propagate cross section to the simulation (on hold)
===> likely a EDM4hep problem, However, could be part of the run-records now.
Should this be fixed since edm4hep podio frames.
9) Issue 1036: MCParticles not showing up in ROOT output
10) Issue 1037: Should the momentum vector be added to the DDG4 MC contribution object of a Geant4Particle ?
===> Question.
===> Accepted will be added in the sensitive detectors.
2) Closed issues and fixed problems
1) Issue 1035: Export of geometries to XML
===> Only GDML is supported....to be closed.
2) PR 1049: Update CI stack (Andre)
3) PR 1045: Update DD4hep exported setup script: Fix path duplicates (Andre)
4) PR 1050: DDG4: Write run header to EDM4HEP output (Thomas)
5) PR 1048/Issue 1043: Add -Wno-psabi flag to compilation (Andre). Harmless, since we use consistent builds
6) PR 1046/Issue 1036: ParticleHandler: account for modified stepping actions, where tracking of a particle could be paused and later restarted.
Current MC handler led to inconsistent results. (Andre)
7) PR 1044/Issue 1037: Add track momentum to MC truth contribution for Calorimeter hits -- as agreed in last meeting (Markus)
8): PR 1042: DD4hepSimulation: fix issue when compactFile did not contain a slash (Andre)
9): PR 1041: Improve DDDigi I/O interface: add edm4hep output, use podio frames (Markus)
3) Round table
Markus: NTR
Andre: New tag 1.24 for dd4hep when moving to ROOT 6.28-patches.
Sunanda: NTR. Will eventually release new sw stack, but no time frame yet fixed O(month).
Thomas: NTR
4) AOB
Next meeting: 09. February 2023