SBU HEP Seminar - What can we learn with tau leptons at the LHC? - Quentin Buat (UW)

Graduate Building D-122 (Stony Brook University)

Graduate Building D-122

Stony Brook University

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Giacinto Piacquadio
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Yan Ke, Tsybychev Dmitri Tsybyshev, John David Hobbs
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    • 11:45 12:40
      What can we learn with tau leptons at the LHC? 55m

      The discovery of the Higgs boson by ATLAS and CMS has opened a new frontier of exciting measurements in Particle Physics. The tau lepton, a peculiar cousin of the electron, offers the opportunity to study a new type of force: the Yukawa interaction. However, detecting the tau lepton is experimentally very challenging as it predominantly decays into pions and an undetectable neutrino. In this talk, I will discuss the strategy employed by the ATLAS experiment to detect hadronic tau decays and the modern machine learning algorithms employed to distinguish them from QCD jets. I will present the results of the Higgs boson coupling to the tau, the most precise Higgs boson measurements in the fermionic sector. I will then turn to the tau lepton itself, and present the first result from ATLAS on the anomalous magnetic moment, a quantity that is yet to be measured. Finally I will discuss the long term prospects of this measurement program at the LHC and beyond.

      Speaker: Quentin Buat (University of Washington (US))