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Alice Weekly Meeting: Software for Hardware Accelerators / PDP-SRC

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David Rohr
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    • 11:00 11:20
      Discussion 20m
      Speakers: David Rohr (CERN), Ole Schmidt (CERN)

      Color code: (critical, news during the meeting: green, news from this week: blue, news from last week: purple, no news: black)


      High priority framework topics:

      • Regression of START-STOP-START work that makes all runs fail with lots of error messages and breaks many calibration runs
        • Revert didn't help for some reason, need to investigate further, but should fix the regression ASAP, and the general start/stop/start issue until restart of data taking.
      • Async workflow for 1NUMA domain with higher multiplicities gets stuck:
      • Fix START-STOP-START for good
      • Multi-threaded pipeline still not working in FST / sync processing, but only in standalone benchmark.
      • Suppoort marking QC tasks as non-critical in DDS and O2Control topology export:

      Other framework tickets:

      • Grafana metrics: Might want to introduce additional rate metrics that subtract the header overhead to have the pure payload: low priority.
      • Backpressure reporting when there is only 1 input channel: no progress.
      • Stop entire workflow if one process segfaults / exits unexpectedly. Tested again in January, still not working despite some fixes.
      • : FIX in PR, but has side effects which must also be fixed.
      • : Cannot override debug severity for tpc-tracker
      • : Improve DebugGUI information
      • : Better error message (or a message at all) when input missing
      • : Problem with 2 devices of the same name
      • : Usage of valgrind in external terminal: The testcase is currently causing a segfault, which is an unrelated problem and must be fixed first. Reproduced and investigated by Giulio.
      • DPL Raw Sequencer segfaults when an HBF is missing. Fixed by changing way raw-reader sends the parts, but Matthias will add a check to prevent such failures in the future.
      • Found a reproducible crash (while fixing the memory leak) in the TOF compressed-decoder at workflow termination, if the wrong topology is running. Not critical, since it is only at the termination, and the fix of the topology avoids it in any case. But we should still understand and fix the crash itself. A reproducer is available.
      • Support in DPL GUI to send individual START and STOP commands.
      • Problem I mentioned last time with non-critical QC tasks and DPL CCDB fetcher is real. Will need some extra work to solve it. Otherwise non-critical QC tasks will stall the DPL chain when they fail.
      • Problem with no inputs shown in DebugGUI fixed.

      Global calibration topics:

      • TPC IDC / SAC calibration:
        • SAC only workflow fixed.
        • Found 3 problems in IDC+SAC workflow:
          • Colliding datapecs: fixed
          • Some outputs declared timeframe that should be sporadic: fixed
          • dpl raw proxy too slow, if multiple input channels send at different rates. Proposed fix in PR
        • Need to recheck if there are further issues, with new software with all fixes. Will ping Robert for a slot.

      Async reconstruction

      • Some failures in async reco again yesterday. Two priminent failure reasons:
        • Failures getting CCDB objects
        • Running out of SHM memory. Since now with the 1NUMA setup we have more memory available, we have increased the SHM segment from 20 to 30 GB.
      • EPN switched off due to power cut, will be back online tomorrow. vobox doesn't auto-start yet, I'll take care tomorrow. Not sure if we need to automatize this.

      EPN major topics:

      • Rocky officially supported by AMD, still checking for Alma, but chances are not bad.
      • Alex prepared test node with Alma 8.7 and ROCm 5.4, but didn't have time to check yet.
      • Update rest of cluster to ROCm to 5.3 for now.
      • Need a procedure / tool to move nodes quickly between online / async partition. EPN working on this. Currently most EPNs are still usually in online, and we have to ask to get some in async. Should arrive at a state where all EPNs that are not needed are in async by default.
      • Opened a JIRA ticket for EPN to follow up the interface to change SHM memory sizes when no run is ongoing (which was requested 1 year ago). Otherwise we cannot tune the workflow for both Pb-Pb and pp:

      Other EPN topics:

      Topology generation:

      • Should change dpl-workflow script to fail if any process in the dpl pipe (workflow | workflow | ...) has non-zero exit code.
      • Switching phase 1 of topology generation to using updateable RPMs instead of script in home folder (basically just copying the existing script to another place). Jenkins build present, and repository installed on EPNs. Next: will change the O2DPG scripts, then change the command sent by AliECS.

      QC / Monitoring / InfoLogger updates:

      • TPC has opened first PR for monitoring of cluster rejection in QC. Trending for TPC CTFs is work in progress. Ole will join from our side, and plan is to extend this to all detectors, and to include also trending for raw data sizes.

      CCDB topics.

      AliECS related topics:

      • Improve error message in AliECS GUI for EPN related failures. PDP error messages are sent via ODC in the Run reply, e.g. for topology generation failures, but ECS does not show them, but only shows generic "EPN Partition Initialize Failed"
      • Send list of FLPs in run to topology generation.
      • Send flag whether it is a production / staging environment to topology generation.

      GPU ROCm / compiler topics:

      • Locally tested OpenCL compilation with Clang 14 bumping –cl-std from clc++ (OpenCL 2.0) to CLC++2021 (OpenCL 3.0) and using clang-internal SPIR-V backend. Arrow bump to 8.0 done, which was prerequesite.
        • Work on bumping GCC still ongoing (by Giulio), will follow up with Clang 15 afterwards, once we are at arrow 10.
        • Compiler problems in DD for GCC 12 fixed.
        • Problem with ROCm 5.1, will test if it disappears with ROCm 5.3, otherwise need to check in detail.
      • Found new HIP internal compiler error when compiling without optimization: -O0 make the compilation fail with unsupported LLVM intrinsic. Reported to AMD.
      • Found a new miscompilation with -ffast-math enabled in looper folllowing, for now disabled -ffast-math.
      • Must create new minimal reproducer for compile error when we enable LOG(...) functionality in the HIP code. Check whether this is a bug in our code or in ROCm. Lubos will work on this.
      • Found another compiler problem with template treatment found by Ruben. Have a workaround for now. Need to create a minimal reproducer and file a bug report.

      TPC GPU Processing

      • Random GPU crashes under investigation.
      • Problem in refit of lowPt tracks in TrackParCov model was due to large cluster errors and high covariance for very low Pt tracks. Ruben made some improvements to stabilize the fit.
      • Work on TPC track assignment finished. Should now be more precise, and TFwd/TBwd always correctly constrained.
      • Improvements for missing pad rows need dead-pad map, cannot generally loosen the tolerances.
      • Now working on distortion corrections

      TRD Tracking


      ITS GPU Tracking and Vertexing:


      ANS Encoding


      Issues currently lacking manpower, waiting for a volunteer:

      • For debugging, it would be convenient to have a proper tool that (using FairMQ debug mode) can list all messages currently in the SHM segments, similarly to what I had hacked together for
      • Redo / Improve the parameter range scan for tuning GPU parameters. In particular, on the AMD GPUs, since they seem to be affected much more by memory sizes, we have to use test time frames of the correct size, and we have to separate training and test data sets.