Between January 2018 and December 2021, the Horizon-2020 EU-funded CompactLight collaboration, launched by a team of 23 International Laboratories and three Industries, has brought together world experts in the fields of accelerators and magnetic structures for photon production.
The objective was to use the most innovative technologies for the implementation of the main components of an FEL: high-brightness photo-injectors of the last generation, compact and very high-gradient X-band accelerating structures to increase the global efficiency of the machine as well as state-of-the-art undulators, to be able to produce high-energy photons at lower electron beam energies in comparison with existing machines.
With its 360-page Conceptual Design Report completed in early 2022, the CompactLight collaboration gathers again in Eindhoven to review the progress since the project ended and outline the future of its affordable and power-efficient technology for the next generation of compact light sources.
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