Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Organizational Meeting


Colliders Of Tomorrow - Organizational Meeting

Attendees: Sridhara Dasu, Pushpa Bhat (FCG), Sridhara Dasu (Chair), Karri DiPetrillo, Sergo Jindariani (FCG), Murtaza Safdari, Lindsey Gray, Kevin Black, Marg, Gabriele

Welcome to COT organizing committee - Pushpa Bhat (FCG), Sridhara Dasu (Chair), Karri DiPetrillo, Sergo Jindariani (FCG), Murtaza Safdari

  1. Provide information for Marguerite
  2. Proposed Format - fortnightly meeting - 30m presentation by invited speaker with 15m of Q&A +  followed by 45 m of tutorials/student reports
    1. List of projects needed for people to sign up - invited speaker to suggest some
    2. Tutorials - for getting started - necessary to get going
    3. Student / postdoc reports on work done in the past fortnight 
  3. Advertise opening event - Karri DiPetrillo, Muon Collider Introduction, February 23, 2023 (In person + Zoom; 1:30-3pm?; Sunrise?)
    1. Brendan Casey, Bob Bernstein,
    2. Karri requests Gordon
    3. Sergo will take care of some accelerator people
    4. Pushpa sends to FCG affiliates
    5. Theory group Elias B
  4. Speakers and topics for March 9, 23, April 6, 20...
    1. C3 - Lindsey Gray?
    2. Linear accelerators - how do they work? Warm vs cold vs ultra-cold. Emilio? SD talks to Emilio
    3. HELEN Project - who? Sergey B - Pushpa contact
    4. Accelerator lingo - beta*, emmitance, ...  Steve Lund? Eric Prebys - SD talks to Eric
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 2:00 PM 2:20 PM
      Planning Discussion 20m