Visual scientific exploration at Blue Brain, and beyond
,Scientific exploration relies on building software that combines data integration, analysis and interactive visualization to build, modify and navigate through large scientific datasets. For this, Blue Brain built and open-sourced the Blue Brain BioExplorer. The Blue Brain BioExplorer was originally developed to answer key scientific questions related to the Coronavirus as a use case and to deliver a visualization tool. Today, the BioExplorer allows reconstructing, visualizing, exploring and describing in detail the structure and function of highly-detailed biological structures such as molecular systems, neurons, astrocytes, blood vessels, and more.
The BioExplorer is built as an extension of Brayns, the official underlying and generic rendering platform that was designed to easily adapt to all fields of science.
In this very visual talk, we will present EPFL's Blue Brain Project, and explain how we could architecture and build the application that is now being used to produce high quality and high fidelity media, as well as interactive and immersive experiences of the digital reconstruction of the mouse brain.
We will finally discuss the impact of using real raw data for science communication and dissemination.
About the speakers
Cyrille Favreau is the visualization expert in the Communications team of the Operations Division.
Cyrille joined the Communications team in 2023, where he produces high quality videos and images of the in-silico brain. His particular area of expertise includes real-time rendering of large scale datasets using the ray-tracing technique and his knowledge of high performance technologies such as C++, CUDA and ISPC. He is the creator and main developer of Blue Brain Brayns until version 1.0.0, an application that makes it possible to take advantage of the best acceleration libraries for any relevant hardware (CPU or GPU). Brayns was selected to demo the capabilities of the new Intel KNL architecture at ISC 2016.
In 2020, he joined the Simulation Neuroscience Division and created Blue Brain BioExplorer, an application that combines visualization and scientific exploration. Blue Brain BioExplorer addresses the multi-scale approach of complex biological processes, by providing the means to explore datasets from simulated brain regions down to molecular systems. This work contributed to the publication of “A Machine-Generated View of the Role of Blood Glucose Levels in the Severity of COVID-19“, and the production of the Glucose-COVID19 hypothesis educational movie.
Cyrille has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies from Glyndŵr University, Wrexham, Wales.
Evelyne Schmid Osborne is the Communications Manager for the Blue Brain Project in the Operations Division.
She creates and implements Blue Brain’s Communications Strategy and cross channel campaigns. In her role, she oversees the Media department, External and Internal Communications, and the communication and branding requirements of Blue Brain’s event program.
Evelyne joined Blue Brain from FONGIT, the tech startup incubator supported by the State of Geneva, where she was Head of Operations and Communications. Before moving back to Switzerland, Evelyne held scientific and cultural outreach roles in several organizations in Singapore.
A graduate in Chemical Engineering (EPFL), Evelyne holds a PhD in the field of Biophysical Chemistry and served as a Postdoctoral Scientist working on Biomembranes and Biosensors at EPFL and at the National University of Singapore.