For WP2 follow the link below. For WP5 points are given as:
- Continue follow up of beam lifetime measurements at the LHC, with BI (collimator scans), and beam loss analysis for Run 4 without HELs. Including characterization of tails at injection.
- Need to converge on a Run 4 commissioning plan, consistent across WPs.
- Various follow ups for the MD requests. In particular, several important HL-LHC topics: B1 quench test (verification of collimation performance); crystal tests tests to be carried out in commissioning for the new H devices; new IR7 optics for improved cleaning & better impedance; impedance measurements.
- Deployment of crystal collimation for the ion run with the fully-upgraded system
- Anything to follow up for the LHCb upgrade (lead by Matteo)
- Large set of follow up studies for the new optics with inverted triplet polarity: aperture, collimation, …
- Follow up CC beam test results at the SPS and possibly contribute
-- No HL-related
- To be finalised Feb./Mar.: ion beam energy for Run 3
- Ion commissioning: monitor overall progress in the injectors and beam quality. LHC commissioning time too short!
- Follow up setup time for ion beams in the SPS: quality of slip stacking with nominal schemes (more bunches); length of cycle vs commissioning vs dedicated filling.
- LHC TCL6 settings: in IP1, trade off between FASER (data quality) and AFP (radiation issue).
- LPC request to use crystal collimation for 2023 TOTEM runs, high b*
- Beam losses and activation of TDIS at LHC injection
- New validation strategy with high non linearities in the LHC.
- Can we improve the commissioning time at the LHC? Loss maps etc.