Jun 15 – 17, 2023
Mount Allison University
Canada/Atlantic timezone

A pedagogical approach to degrees of freedom

Jun 16, 2023, 4:30 PM
Dunn 113 (Mount Allison University)

Dunn 113

Mount Allison University

67 York St., Sackville, New Brunswick
Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics


Juan Margalef (Memorial University)


As one of the fundamental concepts in physics, degrees of freedom are commonly encountered in classical mechanics, statistical physics, and QFT. However, the concept is often introduced without a careful explanation. In this talk, I will present a pedagogical approach to understanding degrees of freedom by analyzing simple (but not trivial!) mechanical systems. We will emphasize the role played by topology and geometry, and demonstrate how this approach provides a physical introduction to topology.

Primary author

Juan Margalef (Memorial University)

Presentation materials

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