Jun 15 – 17, 2023
Mount Allison University
Canada/Atlantic timezone

Negative Mass in the Universe is Relative, Repulsive and Real

Jun 17, 2023, 10:00 AM
Dunn 113 (Mount Allison University)

Dunn 113

Mount Allison University

67 York St., Sackville, New Brunswick
Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology


Prof. Manu Paranjape


The Schwarzschild solution admits one parameter, the mass, which can be positive or negative. What is the meaning of the negative mass solution? Negative mass is an intriguing idea. Negative mass, to be physical, must satisfy the dominant energy condition. Indeed stable configurations can be found that correspond to bubbles of negative mass, however crucially, in a background energy density. It seems that positive mass attracts while negative mass repels when acting on all masses, positive or negative, due to the equivalence principle. However a simple analysis of one graviton exchange implies that the potential between like mass particles should be negative, be they of positive or negative mass, implying naively attraction. We explain how this conclusion is eschewed, and gives repulsion for negative mass particles.

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