Condensed Matter
- Ivan Booth
The Equation of State (EOS) has a pretty long history. The physics behind it should be explored. The main purpose of the EOS is to yield the volume of a given material system under given external temperature and mechanical condition. Since the predicted volume is fixed, the EOS is for the system in a macroscopic equilibrium state. In such a situation, the Macroscopic Mechanical Equilibrium...
Natural orbitals are defined as the eigenvectors one-body reduced density matrix. These orbitals are a highly convergent basis for the many-body problem. Here, some exact properties of the natural orbitals are discussed, particularly their similarities and differences for excited states with varying energy differences. These results are used to justify the behavior of entanglement...
It is known that Schwarzchild geometry exhibits thermodynamic properties and these have a statistical mechanics explanation. An interesting question to ask is if we can study the statistical mechanics of spins on this background. In this presentation we will answer this question in the positive and construct an Ising-like model on black hole space. Then we will numerically study the...