String and Quantum Gravity
- Manu Paranjape
String and Quantum Gravity
- Manu Paranjape
Alice is taking a course on QFT in curved spacetime, and accidentally drops her midterm into a black hole. From Hawking's famous calculation, she suspects the midterm been irreversibly thermalized, and her GPA with it. Her colleague Bob, a card-carrying unitarian, believes the midterm can be recovered from the Hawking radiation, at least in principle. Their mutual friend Charlotte is a...
The main goal of this research is to obtain a clear and accurate model of the late-time behavior of a quantum-corrected black hole’s radiative emission wave. Specifically, the focus is on late-time tail waveforms, which appear after the exponentially damped signal originating from the ring down phase of a perturbed black hole. This project focused on interpreting the effects of...
Extracting the physics of cosmological inhomogeneities and anisotropies from full quantum gravity is a crucial step to make contact with observations. I address this problem within the group field theory (GFT) formalism for quantum gravity by studying the perturbative mean-field effective dynamics of small relational inhomogeneities of GFT condensates. I show how these perturbations give rise...
We derive a “classical-quantum” approximation scheme for a broad class of bipartite quantum systems. In this approximation, one subsystem’s evolution is governed by classical equations of motion with quantum corrections, and the other subsystem evolves quantum mechanically with equations of motion informed by the classical degrees of freedom. Similar approximations are common when discussing...