11–12 May 2023
America/Bogota timezone

BSM physics searches at neutrino oscillation experiments

12 May 2023, 11:10


David Vanegas Forero (Universidad de Medellín)


Neutrino oscillations, implying massive neutrinos, provided the first direct experimental evidence for physics BSM. In parallel to the 'standard neutrino program' past, current, and future neutrino oscillation experiments have considered, are considering, and will consider, within its physics goals, searches for BSM physics represented by different scenarios. Given the plethora of BSM scenarios and the diversity of neutrino oscillation experiments, in this talk we will focus in some that might be tested in accelerator and/or reactor neutrino experiments. This kind of experiments are expected to improve the precision of the measured three-active neutrino oscillation parameters and to determine the unmeasured ones, as well as to at least provide a hint of where to look for new physics signals or to highly constraint its allowed parameter space.

Primary author

David Vanegas Forero (Universidad de Medellín)

Presentation materials