CTA Dev Meeting

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Michael Davis (CERN)
  • CTA Dev
    • 15:00 15:10
      CTA Release Roadmap 10m

      See CTA Release Roadmap

      Release 4.8.5-0.rc1

      • Milestones link
      • Release date: 3 Feb
      • Pre-prod deployment date: 3 Feb
      • Prod deployment date: NOT
      • This will be a large release, with many new features/fixes added since December.
      • Test release, to be deployed only on pre-production.

      Release 4.8.5-1

      • Milestones link
      • Release date: 15 Feb
      • Pre-prod deployment date: 22 Feb
      • Prod deployment date: 23 Feb
      • This will be a large release, with many new features/fixes added since December.

      Release 4.8.6-0.rc1

      • Release date: TBD
      • Pre-prod deployment date: TBD
      • Prod deployment date: NOT
      • Test encryption key ID changes performed by Vova
      • Issue link

      Public Release

      • Latest version available on public repo: v4.7.14-1, v5.7.14-1
      • Version 4.8.5-1 is deployed in production and working well.
      • Version 4.8.6-0.rc1 will be used to test the Encryption ID changes implemented by Vova in a separate branch.
        • Vova will rebase his branch on top of 4.8.5-1 and let Joao know when it is ready to be tagged.
      • Public Release:
        • To be done on top of 4.8.5-1, as long as the production deployment at CERN does not show any problem (after about 1 week or so).
    • 15:10 15:20
      CTA dev topics 10m

      Remove gRPC client code from CTA Frontend

      • For details check #314
      • Also related with #294

      Allow VO override for repack

      • Discuss solutions presented in #31

      Simplify build procedure to improve portability and not to depend on platform specific tools

      • For details check #307

      Add valgrind test for the operations tools

      • For details check #315

      Average bandwidth not being shown correctly

      • For details check #313

      Solution to count and monitor log events in CTA

      • Discuss solution presented in #266

      "Needs discussion" topics

      "Dev issue needed" topics

      Remove gRPC client code from CTA Frontend

      • We will remove this code from the CTA frontend
      • We will create a new operational tool that performs the same task:
        • As Vlado suggested (and accepted by the team), we will add this funcitonallity to the cta-admin-ops tool.
        • This will be done before removing it from the CTA frontend.

      Allow VO override for repack

      • We decided on a 5th alternative:
        • Add an extra column to the VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION table, named REPACK_VO (provisional name).
        • Only only row can have this field as True (only one repack VO).

      Simplify build procedure to improve portability and not to depend on platform specific tools

      • Fons will write in the issue a list of all the pre-requisites. In addition he will start experimenting these changes in a separate branch.

      Add valgrind test for the operations tools

      • We will not run any of these tools with Valgrind.
      • Instead, Lasse will check the static analysis tools to see if they are correctly detecting unsave allocations using "new".

      Average bandwidth not being shown correctly

      • We will remove this column from the "cta-admin sq" command. This can be done by removing the entry from the protobuf definition.
      • We can also take advantage of this opportunity to remove all "deprecated" entries in the protobuf definition for cta-frontend.
    • 15:20 15:30
      dCache Integration 10m


    • 15:30 15:40
      CTA dev board review 10m


      • Look at the active issues in our CTA dev board.
      • Decide if they should be kept, removed, reassigned, prioritised, etc.

      Review unlabelled issues

      • Unlabelled issues list: link

      Review "In progress" issues

      • Full CTA board: link

      Review specific topic

    • 15:40 15:50
      AOB 10m


      • Room 513/R-068 is booked every week, until the EOY, for the CTA dev meeting.