3rd COMPASS "Analysis Phase" international mini-workshop (COMAP-2023 III)

892/1-D20 (CERN)



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Bakur Parsamyan (CERN, JINR and Turin section of INFN), Fulvio Tessarotto (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT)), Jan Matousek (Charles University (CZ)), Mikhail Mikhasenko (Excellence Cluster ORIGINS), Stefan Wallner (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))

3rd COMPASS "Analysis Phase" international mini-workshop will take place on April 19th, 2023 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.
The workshop will be held in a hybrid mode.

The scientific programme of the series of COMPASS "Analysis Phase" mini-workshops is focused on the topics traditionally addressed by the COMPASS collaboration:

  • Spin and 3D Structure Structure of the Nucleon
  • DIS, SIDIS, DVCS, DVMP, Drell-Yan measurements
  • TMDs, GPDs and GTMDs
  • Fragmentation Functions
  • Meson Structure and Spectroscopy
  • Search for Exotics
  • Monte-Carlo simulation tools and techniques
  • Technical aspects and analysis techniques
Zoom Meeting ID
Bakur Parsamyan
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    • 1
      Measurement of the prompt J/psi pair production cross-section in pp collisions at ATLAS
      Speaker: Yusheng Wu (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))
    • 2
      Single and pair J/psi production in the improved color evaporation model using the parton Reggeization approach
      Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Saleev (Samara National Research University)
    • 3
      DIS-2023: WG5 overview
      Speaker: Caroline Kathrin Riedl (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))
    • 4
      Recent news from SeaQuest (un)polarized Drell-Yan programme
      Speaker: Kei Nagai (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    • 5
      A modern extraction of Sivers functions
      Speaker: Ishara Fernando (University of Virginia)