RD Line 5 kick-off Forum meeting - Infrastructures and Measurement Techniques


The RD Line 5 Forum meeting builds on the Work Packages of the RD Line 5 - Infrastructure and Measurments Techniques, and aims at an efficient exchange of information facilitating advancement of the related domain.

    • 1
      Introduction and RD Line 5 goals
      Speaker: Andrzej Siemko (CERN)
    • 2
      Introduction to the activities of the WP 5.1 at CERN

      Test infrastructure needs for the HFM R&D programme

      Speaker: Franco Julio Mangiarotti (CERN)
      • a) Discussions
    • 3
      Introduction to the activities of the WP5.2 at CERN

      Infrastructure needs for conductors

      Speaker: Thierry Boutboul (CERN)
      • a) Discussions
    • 4
      Introduction to the activities of the WP5.3 at CERN

      Infrastructure needs for demonstrator and short magnet model

      Speaker: Juan Carlos Perez (CERN)
      • a) Discussions
        Speaker: All
    • 5
      Introduction to the activities of WP5.4 at CERN

      Infrastructure needs for the construction of full-scale prototypes

      Speaker: Attilio Milanese (CERN)
      • a) Discussions
        Speaker: All
    • 6
      Introduction to the activities of WP5.5 at CERN

      Instrumentation and measurement equipment needs for the HFM R&D programme

      Speaker: Lucio Fiscarelli (CERN)
      • a) Discussions
        Speaker: All
    • 7
      Discussions and summary