6–10 Jun 2011
Aberystwyth University
Europe/London timezone

MEXART observations of IPS: updates since the May 2009 workshop

Not scheduled
Council Chamber, Old College (Aberystwyth University)

Council Chamber, Old College

Aberystwyth University

Old College, Aberystwyth University, King Street (Stryd-y-Brenin), Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2AX, Wales (UK).


Dr Americo Gonzalez-Esparza (MEXART, UNAM)


The Mexican Array Radio Telescope (MEXART) consists of a 64x64 (4096) full-wavelength dipole antenna array, operating at 140 MHz, with a bandwidth of 2 MHz, occupying about 9,660 square meters (69m x 140m) (http://www.mexart.unam.mx). This is a dedicated radio array for Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) observations located at: latitude 19 degrees 48' N, longitude 101 degrees 41' W. We describe the technical characteristics of the instrument. We report the current configuration of the array and the observations and data analysis that we perform on daily basis. We present an updated list of strong IPS radio sources detected by the instrument. We report the power spectral analysis procedure of the intensity fluctuations.

Primary author

Dr Americo Gonzalez-Esparza (MEXART, UNAM)


Dr Ernesto Aguilar-Rodriguez (MEXART, UNAM) Mr Julio Mejía-Ambríz (MEXART, UNAM) Mr Pablo Villanueva-Hernández (MEXART, UNAM)

Presentation materials

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