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The role and skills of Big Science ILOs

Video Conference

Video Conference

Nikolaj Zangenberg (Danish Technological Institute)

What makes the good ILO? What are the necessary skills for the ILOs to perform their job? What kind of training do they need?

Join us for this first PERIIA webinar, share your best practice and learn more about the job of the ILOs!   


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Eleonora Getsova
Exchanging experience and best practice for ILO work
    • 1
      Who are the Big Science ILOs and their role? Analysis based on the ENRIITC survey - N. Zangenberg, Danish Technological Institute (DK)
    • 2
      Skills of ILOs and need for training - S. Wojtowicz, National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL)
    • 3
      The ILO profile: expectations from a research facility - Cristina Lara, Head of Procurement service, CERN
    • 4
      Panel debate: What kind of support is needed for ILOs to fulfil their mission?