27–31 Mar 2023
IESC Cargèse
Europe/Paris timezone

Studying the Sensitivity of the Upgrade Phase II LHCb Calorimeter for the rare decay $B^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0$, where one $\pi^0$ decays to the Dalitz $e^+ e^- \gamma$ channel

29 Mar 2023, 09:00
IESC Cargèse

IESC Cargèse

Student short presentation Presentations


Morvan Vincent


Motivation for studying such a rare decay with the LHCb Experiment. LHCb detector is dedicated to flavor physics. The upgrade of the phase II will increase the performance of detection. Especially, with the luminosity increase to reach a number of 50 collisions of protons. This is why it is important to developp the ECAL in order to not be blinded.
The aim of this internship is to understand the Calorimeter and this upgrade to conclude on the feasability of measure this decay.

Title Studying the Sensitivity of the Upgrade Phase II LHCb Calorimeter for the rare decay $B^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0$, where one $\pi^0$ decays to the Dalitz $e^+ e^- \gamma$ channel}


Presentation materials