30–31 May 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

The working group 3 (WG3) of the ECFA PED study on future e+e- EW/Higgs/Top/Flavour factories is organising a series of workshops around detectors. Their goal is to bring representatives of future collider studies and associated detector concept groups together with the R&D community, in order to support the ongoing process of forming Detector R&D (DRD) Collaborations for strategic developments towards future facilities. Higgs factories are highly prioritised by the European Strategy, after the HL-LHC, and important parts of detector R&D will be targeted towards experiments at future e+e- colliders.  

The second workshop will be on Vertexing and Tracking for Future Higgs Factories and will take place on May 30-31, 2023 at CERN (Tuesday mid-day to Wednesday mid-day).

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre
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