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CTA Dev Meeting

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Michael Davis (CERN)
  • CTA Dev
    • 1
      CTA Release Roadmap

      See CTA Release Roadmap

      Release 4.8.6-0.rc1

      • Release date: 24 Feb
      • Pre-prod deployment date: TBD
      • Prod deployment date: NOT
      • Test encryption key ID changes performed by Vova
      • Issue link

      Release 4.8.6-1

      • Release date: 8 Mar
      • Pre-prod deployment date: 9 Mar
      • Prod deployment date: 9 Mar
      • Small release from branch "release_4.8.6"
      • Fixed queue cleanup bug in CTA
      • Milestone link

      Release 4.8.7-1

      • Release date: TBD
      • Pre-prod deployment date: TBD
      • Prod deployment date: TBD
      • Waiting to include fix #330
      • Milestone link

      Public Release

      • Latest version available on public repo: v4.7.14-1, v5.7.14-1
      • For release v4.8.7-1/v5.8.7-1, wait one week to see if the production deployment has been stable.

      Release 4.8.6-0.rc1

      • Issue #330 is being tested here.
      • We need to find out how the timeout value went from the config value to one second.
      • As mentioned before, this is needed before release 4.8.7-1.
    • 2
      CTA dev topics

      Improve "error_text" message in query prepare

      • Discuss solution presented in #331

      Add system tests for admin commands

      • For more details #332.

      FST checksum metadata error leads to whole archive batch failing

      cta-taped deceiving read performance

      "Needs discussion" topics

      "Dev issue needed" topics

      Improve "error_text" message in query prepare

      • The &mgm.errmsg= parameter is specific to EOS (dCache has no concept of mgm). Therefore, we have to change this parameter if we want to use it.
      • We need to confirm if the message body sent back to EOS contains any field with the error information. If so, we may not need to use the &mgm.errmsg= parameter.
      • The &mgm.errmsg= part of the issue can be handled in a separate ticket. There is no need to mix it with the formatting of the "error_text" message.

      Add system tests for admin commands

      • Will be handled by Pablo.

      FST checksum metadata error leads to whole archive batch failing

      • Jaroslav will take care of it (also to get familiar with EOS part of CTA system). A new dev ticket will be created.
      • We need to understand what is causing the race condition.

      cta-taped deceiving read performance

      • The problem - 2 second delay between file reads - is only visible with small files (for large files it becomes irrelevant).
      • Vlado will check with experts about what is the underlying scsi problem.

      Large number of CRITICAL errors in cta-taped - "In BackendPopulator::~BackendPopulator(): error deleting agent (cta::exception::Exception). Backtrace follows."

      • Issue #1020.
      • Lasse will try to continue debugging with, and also use it to learn better how the object store works.
    • 3
      Scheduler DB

      Handover from David to Jaroslav

    • 4
      dCache Integration


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      CTA dev board review


      • Look at the active issues in our CTA dev board.
      • Decide if they should be kept, removed, reassigned, prioritised, etc.

      Review unlabelled issues

      • Unlabelled issues list: link

      Review "In progress" issues

      • Full CTA board: link

      Review specific topic

    • 6


      • Room 513/R-068 is booked every week, until the EOY, for the CTA dev meeting.