4 April 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

HEPTrepreneurs is the online series of events organised by HEPTech and GSI in collaboration with CERN dedicated to all members and partners of the network. The series focusses of High Energy Physics Entrepreneurship and covers various themes. The inspirational and interactive talks, round tables and keynotes are made for all those interested in entrepreneurship, but also for young people who want to know more about alternatives careers to research and for technology transfer officers looking for people to inspire. The meetings will include a presentation, a Q&A session and offers possibilities for networking.


HEPTrepreneurs Episode 11

Type: A TT Case Entrepreneurship Story

Title: Cold Atmospheric Plasma: from lab to the clinic

Speaker: Ana Megía, Ion Biotec & Medical Plasmas


Ana Megía, cofunder of Medical Plasmas and Ion Biotec and professor at Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid, Spain) will share her experience transforming research on a new product that is currently under clinical trial. The path from the creation of a new company to the first trial in a hospital involves several stages such as technology development and testing, intellectual property protection or legal compliance that would be detailed in this episode. Her experience working on ion sources and accelerators, immersed in a multidisciplinary environment, is highlighted as a key starting point for this project and a vital tool for the success of its different stages.

Registration to the Videoconference: Please use the Indico registration form and find the link to zoom under the menu item videoconference.













Registration for this event is currently open.