- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Zoom information
Meeting ID: 996 1094 4232
Meeting password: 125
Invite link: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/99610944232?pwd=ZG1BMG1FcUtvR2c2UnRRU3l3bkRhQT09
Proposed milestones to be add by COB Friday https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CF5nSKi2UWiiF4hJpLbJIba_A-2aM00jS14lDDFcplY/edit#gid=634097696
- Note we need more "detailed" milestones in EACH L3 area to cover all of calendar year 2024
Quarterly reports deadline is Friday. All L3 WBS quarterlies should be in by COB today
Working on scrubbing responses due ASAP.
Updates on US Tier-2 centers
We had two incidents with dCache. On July 8th, the postgresql partion of the head node was flooded by the billing database, and it took us over 24 hours on the weekend to recover it, we are planing to rebuild a R6525 work nodes with larger NVMe cards as the new head node to host a bigger postgresql partition (6TB vs 1TB)
The second incident is on July 19th, 2 dCache nodes had all the pools offline, and caused some transfer failure, restarting the pools fixed the issue.
System update:
We updated HTCondor from 9.0.17 to 10.0.5, and also took this chance to apply firmware and kernel updates with required system reboot. We ran into some token issue because in Condor 10, the TRUST_DOMAIN default value is changed to TRUST_UID, and the tokens used by daemon authentication need to be signed with the same TRUST_DOMAIN. Our fix is to set the TRUST_DOMAIN with the old value.
Load tests
-Manual transfers from lxplus and CERN FTS service worked
- transfers from BNL FTS service revealed some SSL issues regarding the use of SHA1 for signing
- tested experimental package made by OSG team, no effects
- A second problem related to the transfer mode (PUL) for FTS revealed when transferring from BNL. It was working fine from CERN because it allowed streaming mode. webdav.authn.require-client-cert true was preventing HTTP-TPC from work.
- with FTS transfers working correctly we were able to saturate our network link—WebDav and Xrootd were tested.
- we are talking with Fabio to publish our storage
-Progressing, configuring X509 credentials for kubernetes cluster access
- Many problems due to the dual stack setup (network policy controllers not working, Security Context Constraints not working)