Warwick Week is a summer school that has been running at the University of Warwick for 15 years. It's goal is to address fields of modern particle physics from an experimental point of view, to balance the theory that will be given at the STFC summer school. We will look at the current state of flavour, neutrino, LHC, particle astrophysics and beam physics.
The school in 2023 will be held in person but will maintain an online presence for those who can't make it. Please see the detailed timetable.
Connection Information:
- Lectures will be broadcast online on Zoom.
- The Zoom link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/69867484024?pwd=RU8zRU96bEFOcnFxL2tSQTlJQkNHZz09
- The password will be emailed to students separately
- Dinner Options : https://forms.gle/DoZNE7Qmqfoc7is96
- Feedback Form : https://forms.gle/FPqGQR9ebgWsxdHC9