2nd Trainers' Workshop

Almalabor, Bologna

Almalabor, Bologna

Via Ugo Foscolo, 7, 40123 Bologna BO, Italy

Via Ugo Foscolo, 7, 40123 Bologna BO, Italy

link for online participation on 15th - , https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64524120536?pwd=ZGx5aVdpTHQ4T1RZdXUwNVEySjdodz09

Attract Academy
    • Academy day: Registration and coffee
    • Academy day: Welcome and participant introduction
      Conveners: Matteo Vignoli, Ms Shreyasi Kar (Aalto University)
    • Academy day: Creative problem solving (In groups)
    • 11:30
    • Academy day: Discussing topics from RSVP form
    • 13:00
    • Academy day: Energizer
    • Academy day: Celebrating wins and experiments
    • 15:45
    • Academy day: CIJ and Attract Academy
      Convener: Markus Nordberg (CERN)
    • Academy day: Wrap up and reflection
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      Research opportunity from Attract.CBI (optional host session)

      Clio Dosi and colleagues will facilitate the session.
      'Inspired by CERN's vision as a platform for open science, we'd like to experiment with how to do research as a teaching community on the Attract.CBI experience. Drawing on our experiences as individual schools, we propose to design a collaborative research project. What can we learn by comparing our courses with a scientific approach?'

    • Academy day: Academy dinner Berberè Porta Saragozza

      Berberè Porta Saragozza

      Piazza di Porta Saragozza, 6a, 40123 Bologna BO, Italia
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: Coffee and Tour of Opper.Space DF
      Convener: Matteo Vignoli
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: Welcome and participant introduction
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: 'What does a succesful student project look like?', within the ATTRACT framework (interactive group work)
    • 11:45
      Coffee (in parallel to the session)
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: Sharing conclusions and reflections (groups from previous workshop share their thoughts)
    • 13:00
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: Energizer
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: 'Measuring Learning' workshop for Academy teachers and representatives (parallel session)
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: AA + R&D&I, Hopes, wishes, and dreams from the Academy collaboration (parallel session)
    • 15:30
    • SP & R&D&I collab day: Planning collaboration for next round
    • 19:00
      Networking Dinner Almalabor, Bologna

      Almalabor, Bologna

      Academy, R&D&I, SES, PCB, Invites speakers and Guests

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      Schedule for 16th - https://indico.cern.ch/event/1273823/