HSF Reco & SW Trigger Kick-Off Meeting 2023

Zoom Meeting ID
Christina Agapopoulou
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    • 14:00 14:05
      Introduction 5m
      • What is the HEP Software Foundation (HSF)?
      • What is the history of the HSF Reco & Software Trigger Working Group?
      • Who are we?
      Speakers: Christina Agapopoulou (CERN), Claire Antel (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Giulia Casarosa
    • 14:10 14:30
      Triggering & reco in HEP: Comparisons across experiments 20m
      • This is a discussion generator: What are some of the differences between experiments in HEP (LHC and non-LHC) in terms of beam conditions, challenges, etc in the context of trigger & reco? What are the commonalities?
      • We've assessed this in a limited scope, comparing: ATLAS, LHCb, FASER and Belle II.
      Speakers: Christina Agapopoulou (CERN), Claire Antel (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Giulia Casarosa
    • 14:30 15:00
      Discussion: plans & topics for 2023 30m
      • Discussion time: Input from anyone.
      • To guide discussions we are making a google doc available beforehand (see below)
      • Please fill in with your own ideas and suggested topics that you would be interested in discussing, presenting or hearing about in a cross-experiment forum for HEP Reconstruction & SW Trigger.