22–23 Jun 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

The new DRD1 Collaboration will be devoted to gaseous detector technologies, such as MPGD, RPC, TPC, and large drift chambers, wire, and straw tube chambers. The addressed field of applications ranges from the future accelerator and non-accelerator-based particle physics experiments, nuclear and neutrino physics, Dark matter, and rare decays to medical, industrial, and civil security applications.

The collaborative structure of DRD1 would allow:

- to access, being anchored at CERN, the facility for detector evaluation (such as test beams and irradiation source), and to infrastructures facilitating detector developments (such as workshops and laboratories). 

facilitating joined efforts along common goals defined by the ECFA roadmap document

- the development of common tools (detector physics simulation software, electronics)

- to help in the education and training, for cross-fertilization among different particle physics (and neighboring discipline) detector development programs.

-  to promote the visibility and prospects of young researchers in detector technologies.

Since the DRD1 is expected to be in place at the beginning of 2024,  a proposal for the DRD1  has to be completed by the Summer of 2023.  

A team including  representatives of different technologies will guide the transition phase:

  • ECFA TF1 Conveners : Anna Colaleo, Leszek Ropelewski; Other TF1 Members: Klaus Dehmelt, João Veloso
  • ECFA Coordinators Group Member: Silvia Dalla Torre
  • MPGDs: Eraldo Oliveri, Fulvio Tessarotto, Maxim Titov
  • RPCs: Ingo Deppner, Giuseppe Iaselli, Barbara Liberti
  • TPCs: Esther Ferrer Ribas, Jochen Kaminski
  • Large volume detectors: Marco Panareo, Francesco Renga
  • Straw tubes, TGC, CSC, drift chambers, and other wire detectors: Peter Wintz
  • Infrastructure, detector R&D programmes (CERN EP R&D, AIDAinnova): Roberto Guida, Beatrice Mandelli
  • Administrative support: Hans Taureg, Florian Brunbauer

You are cordially invited to this gaseous detectors Community Meeting, to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the process of the implementation of the ECFA detector R&D roadmap. 

You are also kindly requested to register your participation in the meeting.

Anna and Leszek for the DRD1 organization team.


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