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LhARA-ABP Collaboration Opportunities

Europe/Zurich (Zoom)


Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))

Following the ABP group meeting on 30th March, this online meeting is an informal discussion on further points of overlap between the research topics of LhARA, and the technical skills of ABP.

The discussion is split into two main areas:

  • Laser-based ion source & space-charge dominated transport
  • Fixed Field Accelerator design for medical and collider applications.

There is also encouragement to discuss other overlaps, such as ML approaches, simulation codes etc.

LhARA-ABP Discussion
Zoom Meeting ID
Kenneth Richard Long
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 15:00 16:00
      Laser-based ion source & space-charge dominated transport 1h

      Please upload relevant slides / discussion points here

    • 16:00 16:40
      Fixed Field Accelerator design for medical and collider applications 40m

      Please upload relevant slides / discussion points here

    • 16:40 17:00
      ML / AI Approaches to Designs 20m

      Please upload relevant slides / discussion points here