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Packet marking working group meeting to review status and plans.
SciTags https://www.scitags.org/
Live meeting notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d-5HhPNF35iAK-1Ht5_NltWtr59INmxQCDntie3cOZA/edit#
News and Updates:
New meeting schedule:
- We would like to propose that packet marking becomes regular topic at the LHCONE R&D bi-weekly call (Tue 4pm CERN time)
- We would use the WG slots to discuss packet pacing (1-2 meetings before summer)
- We're also reporting on regular basis at the bi-weekly WLCG DOMA BDT calls (mostly attended by storage and transfer systems)
- Updated www.scitags.org with past and upcoming presentations
- Question: I'd like to add logos of participating sites (UVic, UMich, UNL, KIT, CERN), please let me know if you agree (and/or if this needs prior authorisation and what would be the process)
- RNTWG update was presented at LHCOPN/LHCONE, HEPiX and FTS/XRootd workshop
- CHEP talk and paper
- SC23 NRE - SC22 setup and demo instructions are now available at https://gitlab.cern.ch/scitags/SC22
- Raul announced that JISC has UDP firefly collector available for testing
- Provided instructions to UNL/Nebraska on how to setup their production XRootD, install flowd and configure it for flow labeling
- dCache prototype with flow labelling (UDP fireflies) should be available by end of this week (plan is to start testing at AGLT2)
- Protocol extension for HTTP-TPC summarized at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/HttpTpcUpdates
- Rucio (https://github.com/rucio/rucio/issues/5856)
Registry (API):
- Updated script that generates scitags API json (needed for xrootd/xrd)
- Discovered an issue with redirection from api.scitags.org when querying from python/requests (to be followed up)
Flowd Service:
- Worked with Austin Kim (UMich) on testing flowd in Kubernetes environment
- Test report is available, most of the UDP firefly tests were successful; packet marking (IPv6) still TBD
- Flowd: New release with packaging updates
- Added py3 packages for EL8 and EL9
- Working on integrating the package in EPEL repositories (which would make it publicly available)
The CHEP talk slot is https://indico.jlab.org/event/459/contributions/11321/
Placeholder presentation draft https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PNVVRjLeegFlTWtMKEFPEnO5_ufU-er87Kuwz_o0r7M/edit#slide=id.g8036819354_0_7