GW day at UniGE

Salle 234 (deuxième étage) Ecole de Physique 24 quai Ernest-Ansermet, 1211 Genève 4
    • 1
      Unraveling the origins of stellar-mass black hole mergers
      Speaker: Simone Bavera (University of Geneva)
    • 2
      Discussion on the seminar topic
    • 11:20
      Coffee break
    • 3
      Stochastic signal from black hole binaires in LISA
      Speaker: Mauro Pieroni (CERN)
    • 4
      Discussion on the seminar topic
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • 5
      Search for scalar induced gravitational waves in the International Pulsar Timing Array Data Release 2 and NANOgrav 12.5 years dataset
      Speaker: Fabrizio Rompineve (CERN)
    • 6
      Discussion on the seminar topic
    • 7
      Room still booked if you want to stay for general discussion