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EMI NA2 Meeting




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ID: 296 5651

  • TNA2.2

Press release for EMI-1
Status of dissemination material for ISGC'11
EMI booth at EMI-TC

  • TNA2.3

Status of existent training material
EMI tutorials : EMI TC, ISC'11

  • TNA2.4

List of contacted projects 

  • TNA2.5 

PT survey

  • AOB

ttendees : Marcelina Borcz, Emidio Giorgio, Ivan Marton, Pina Salente, Diana Cresti, Katarina Pajchel, Andrea Caltroni, Kathryn Cassidy, Piotr Bala, Vicky Apologize : TNA2.2 Emidio reports about the articles about EMI-1(Kebnekaise), and says that PEB doesn't agree on having it like an interview, and suggest to shape like an article. Emidio proposes to send anyway questions, and use answers to build the first article. Diana asks what's the point on having two different articles. Emidio clarifies that first article will be focused on the release preparation, while the second will be focused on the release content and its possible impact. Kathryn suggests to publish the articles on the web site. Emidio says that this will be done, contextually with a publication on a press release alternative to iSGTW (which will be used for the official press release). Diana reports the status of dissemination material for ISGC'11 : brochure will be the same used for AHM; she received no feedback for the poster focused on the release, a part from Emidio's input. Diana says that will send a ppt to Nadine for a first draft. Diana asks Emidio some clarifications about a statement he put in the input circulated last week ("Experimental Glue 2 support"). Pina reports about status of dissemination activities for EMI-TC in Vilnius : - booth is booked (3x2 mt.) - proposal of doing video interviews to high profile people about EMI, to be eventually put on the web site for dissemination. - what to put in the booth ? Five poster are required; one should be the new about the release, and then ? If we put the 4 about technical areas, we'll lack something general about the project. Diana suggests to solve this issue compacting posters using triptycs ( No final decision is taken, discussion will continue on the mailing list. - to encourage people on visiting EMI booth, people will be asked to fill a questionnaire and drop it to EMI booth. Among submitters, a gadget will be extracted. Emidio suggests an iPod, Diana an iPad, but Pina comments that because of INFN internal rules, there could be difficulties on buying the extracting items. Pina asks if can help some partner without issues of this kind, solution is demanded to offline discussion. TNA2.3 Kathryn reports about the analysis she's doing about existing EMI training material; she says that she's filling documents metadata and will send the list by friday or monday. Emidio suggests to circulate the list in advance, even if incomplete, someone can help. Emidio asks Katarina about ARC trainers available for ISC'11. Katarina says that Peter Stefan will be available. TNA2.4 Diana reports on progresses done, and communicates she is drafting two MoUs. Emidio asks her to provide a list of contacted/contacting projects, as requested by PEB. Diana asks some specific information : - When the release preview will be available ? Emidio answers in the beginning of April. Diana asks for a specific link to be checked. - How the testbed will be accessed by partners granted with technical preview ? TNA2.5 Emidio communicates partial results of PT survey, 16 answers so far, and asks Ivan if it is opportune to close the survey now. Ivan agrees on that and asks for results. Piotr recommends to start working on DNA242, considering the difficulties had with DNA241. AOB Next meeting will be held Tuesday March 1st , same time. --- Actions : Emidio : Provide Diana with requested clarifications. Diana : Circulate on the ML a ppt draft for the poster. Kathryn : circulate analysis on existing training documents.
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