Opening day
Submission deadline
We welcome the submission of research papers on the following and other relevant topics:
- Climate-related financial risks and their transmission channels to the real economy (including sector-specific analysis and financial risk modelling);
- Nature-related financial risks (assessment, scenarios and models);
- Interactions, compounding and cascades across nature and climate risks;
- The demand and supply of critical materials in a fragmented world (real economy and financial markets implications);
- Quantitative and modelling advances in climate scenarios analysis and stress testing (including and possibly combining both physical and transition risks);
- Net zero scenarios, transition plans, assessment of investment and financing needs and green reindustrialization;
- Implications of climate scenarios (including uncertainty) for asset pricing and portfolio analysis (including portfolio alignment analysis);
- Data sets and data processing methodologies related to the above topics.
Complete papers in PDF format, in English, should be submitted electronically (abstracts will not be considered), by September 30th, 2023. Click the submission button to start the submission process.
The results of the selection procedure will be announced by mid-October 2023.
The registration details for the conference will be communicated later.