16–20 Oct 2023
Canada/Pacific timezone

InvenioRDM at the SDCC

16 Oct 2023, 14:25
Basic IT Services & End User Services Basic IT Services and End User Services 1


Louis Ralph Pelosi (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))


In contemporary digital curation landscape, the repository platform InvenioRDM stands as a potent instrument fostering scholarly communication. However, there exist inherent limitations in its platform, which require refinement to adeptly serve the diversified and dynamic scientific communities. In this presentation, we delineate a suite of pioneering extensions to InvenioRDM, orchestrated meticulously to address identified end-user requirements and to substantially enlarge its operational ambit for sPHENIX group at the Scientific Data and Computing Center (SDCC). The core objective of this presentation is to showcase how we integrated user communities based on LDAP grouping, restriction of data access through REST APIs, extension of collaborative and search capabilities, and how we leveraged the power of customizable vocabulary to tailor the tool to our customer's needs. Through this presentation, we aim to galvanize the InvenioRDM development community towards recognizing and assimilating these vital enhancements, fostering a richer, more collaborative digital repository ecosystem for the global scientific community.

Primary authors

Louis Ralph Pelosi (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Uma Ganapathy (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))


Christian Lepore (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Jerome LAURET (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Michael Poat Robert Hancock Vincent Garonne (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))

Presentation materials