7:00 PM
Inclusive excellence at the European Research Council (ERC): latest actions and results of sustained measures
Luis Fariña Busto
(European Research Council Executive Agency)
7:15 PM
Flavor identification of atmospheric neutrinos in JUNO
Fanrui Zeng
(China, Shandong University)
7:15 PM
Performance study of ATLAS ITk strip endcap modules using charged particle beams
Radek Privara
(Palacky University (CZ))
7:55 PM
Determination of diffractive PDFs from a global QCD analysis of inclusive diffractive DIS and dijet cross-section measurements at HERA
Maral Salajegheh
(HISKP, University of Bonn)
8:39 PM
The Italian Summer Students Program at Fermilab and other US Laboratories: 40 years of education in particle physics and technology
Simone Donati
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Pisa)
8:40 PM
Study of Resonance Production using Run 3 pp Collisions with ALICE
Hirak Kumar Koley
(Jadavpur University (IN))
8:40 PM
Constituent based Quark/Gluon Jet Tagging
Samuel Jankovych
(Charles University (CZ))
8:40 PM
DarkSide-20k Veto SiPM Detectors: Construction and Characterisation
Paolo Franchini
(Royal Holloway University of London - Lancaster University)
8:40 PM
Detecting Odderon in K0s Regeneration at CERN
Peter Filip
(Institute of Physics, ASCR, Prague)
8:40 PM
CMS RPC Detector consolidation and preparation for new chambers installation for Phase II upgrade programme
Joao Pinheiro
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
8:40 PM
Resolving deuteron production mechanism in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions with the help of elliptic flow
Radka Vozábová
(Czech Technical University)
8:40 PM
Validating the advantage of using ensembles over a single GAN model for calorimeter simulations
Kristina Jaruskova
8:40 PM
Optimization of fast parallel operations with large disk arrays
Martin Zemko
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
8:40 PM
Outlook for Theoretical Precision of the Luminosity at Future Lepton Colliders
Bennie Ward
(Baylor University (US))
8:40 PM
Multiplicity dependence of $\Upsilon$ meson production in $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}~=~510~$GeV at the STAR experiment
Jakub Ceska
8:40 PM
Electroweak Symmetry Restoration in Extended Higgs Sectors via Domain Walls
Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
8:40 PM
Dark Matter searches in models with extended Higgs sector at lepton colliders
Cheng Li
8:40 PM
Probing photon-axionlike particle oscillations from the MAGIC observations of QSO B1420+326
Khushboo Dixit
(Centre for Astro-Particle Physics, University of Johannesburg)
8:40 PM
Advancing Detector Calibration and Event Reconstruction in Water Cherenkov Detectors through Analytical Differentiable Simulations
Junjie Xia
(IPMU, University of Tokyo (JP))
8:40 PM
Search for heavy-neutrino production of the $U(1)_{B-L}$ model at the future muon collider
Alejandro Gutierrez Rodriguez
8:40 PM
Loop induced rare flavor-changing decays of the top quark in the Bestest Little Higgs Model
María A. Hernández-Ruíz
(Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas)
8:40 PM
The Ton-Scale Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in Germanium with LEGEND-1000
Sofia Calgaro
8:40 PM
Multi-channel, multi-template reconstruction for SuperCDMS SNOLAB using machine learning
Aditi Pradeep
8:40 PM
A fast lens-based imaging device for the liquid Argon target of SAND in the DUNE Near Detector Complex
Lea Di Noto
(INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
8:40 PM
ESSnsSBplus Target Station Design Study
Tamer Tolba
8:40 PM
Symmetry properties in diagonalizing the mass matrix
S. H. Chiu
8:40 PM
Design of a Distributed Parallel Computing Engine for High-Throughput Data Processing of HEPS
yu hu
8:40 PM
A proposed PKU-Muon experiment for muon tomography and dark matter search
Qiang Li
(Peking University (CN))
8:40 PM
Promoting usable skills and analysis methods via introductory physics labs
Dmitriy Beznosko
(Clayton State University)
8:40 PM
MAPP-2: The Search for Long-Lived Neutral Particles at the HL-LHC
Michael Anthony Staelens
(Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), Universitat de València–CSIC)
8:40 PM
Training Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks to Extract BSM Physics Parameters Directly from HEP Data: a Proof-of-Concept Study Using Monte Carlo Simulations
Shawn Dubey
(Brown University)
8:40 PM
Status on the Neutrino Elastic-scattering Observation with NaI(Tl) experiment
InSoo Lee
8:40 PM
Expressing CP Violation in Terms of Bargmann Invariants and Geometric Phases in Kaon Decays and Baryogenesis
Swarup Sangiri
(Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
8:40 PM
Beam dynamics corrections to measurements of the muon anomalous magnetic moment
Kim Siang Khaw
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
8:40 PM
Measurement of the WZ inclusive cross section at 13.6 TeV with CMS
Barbara Alvarez Gonzalez
(Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
8:40 PM
Measurement of 4ljj production using 140 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Xi Wang
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))
8:40 PM
Search for additional Higgs bosons at high mass decaying to WW with the CMS experiment
Giulio Bardelli
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
8:40 PM
Search for the rare decays of the Z and Higgs bosons to a J/Psi or Psi' meson and a photon at CMS
Rocco Ardino
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
8:40 PM
Search for HH or $X\to SH$ production in final states with one or two light leptons and a pair of $\tau$-leptons with the ATLAS detector
Babar Ali
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
8:40 PM
Measurement of the ttH->bb process with the ATLAS experiment
Zefran Rozario
(University of Glasgow (GB))
8:40 PM
Exploring Charged Higgs Bosons in the Georgi-Machacek Model: Latest Findings from the ATLAS Experiment at LHC
Haoran Zhao
(University of Washington (US))
8:40 PM
Search for a new scalar or pseudoscalar heavy Higgs Boson using production of four top quarks at the Large Hadron Collider
Chainika Chauhan
(Charles University (CZ))
8:40 PM
ESSnuSB+: non-beam neutrino physics and sterile neutrinos at near detectors
Alessio Giarnetti
(Roma Tre University & INFN)
8:40 PM
Search for a sub-eV sterile neutrino using Daya Bay's full dataset
Shiqi Zhang
8:40 PM
Detectability of neutrinos from supernova bursts in PandaX-4T
Binyu Pang
(Shandong University)
8:40 PM
Status and prospects of the NEXT-100 experiment
Helena Almazan
(University of Manchester)
8:40 PM
Study of Radon background in the SuperNEMO detector
Xalbat Aguerre
8:40 PM
Neutrino Interaction Measurement Capabilities of the SBND Experiment
Rhiannon Susan Jones
(University of Sheffield (GB))
8:40 PM
Measurement of the nuclear transition energies of Kr-83m using the gaseous krypton source of KATRIN
Matthias Böttcher
(Universität Münster, Germany)
8:40 PM
The Top Tracker of the JUNO experiment
(IPHC, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS/IN2P3, F-67037 Strasbourg, France)
8:40 PM
Towards the tonne scale for the NEXT experiment
Neus López March
8:40 PM
Detecting neutrinos from natural sources with the JUNO experiment
Davide Basilico
(University of Milan / INFN Milano)
8:40 PM
Calibration of the DANSS detector with stopped atmospheric muons and their decays
Petr Gorovtsov
(University of Padua)
8:40 PM
Vertex correction to nuclear matrix elements of double-β decays
Jun Terasaki
8:40 PM
Searching for exotic modes of $2\nu\beta\beta$ with the SuperNEMO Experiment
Petro Maros
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
8:40 PM
Particle track reconstruction for the SuperNEMO experiment
Tomáš Křižák
(IEAP CTU in Prague (Czech Republic))
8:40 PM
Barium tagging in NEXT: toward an ultra-low background 0νββ decay detector.
Pablo Herrero Gomez
(Hebrew University)
8:40 PM
KATRIN sterile neutrino analysis
Christoph Köhler
8:40 PM
Improved event selection of $\nu_e$ charged-current single pion production interactions at T2K Far Detector
Yashwanth Sanjeev Prabhu
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))
8:40 PM
First glance at the latest science runs of the KATRIN neutrino mass experiment using the KaFit analysis package
Jaroslav Storek
8:40 PM
Signatures of the Inert Triplet Model from Vector Boson Fusion at a Muon Collider
Snehashis Parashar
(IIT Hyderabad)
8:40 PM
Searches in CMS for new physics in final states with tau leptons
Muti Wulansatiti
(Florida State University (US))
8:40 PM
Probing lepton-flavor-violating processes in ${e^+}{e^-}$ colliders
(Institute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
8:40 PM
Resonant production of vectorlike quarks at the HL-LHC
Ioana Duminica
(University of Bucharest and IFIN-HH (RO))
8:40 PM
Search for Higgs boson exotic decays to pseudoscalars in the final states with tau leptons and b quarks at CMS
Stephanie Kwan
(Princeton University (US))
8:40 PM
Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in TOP quark sector using data from CMS Experiment
Jiwon Park
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
8:40 PM
Searches for new phenomena using Anomaly Detection at the ATLAS experiment
Antonio D'Avanzo
(University Federico II and INFN, Naples (IT))
8:40 PM
Stau searches at future e+e- colliders
Maria Teresa Nunez Pardo De Vera
8:40 PM
Search For The Production Of Vector-like Lepton Pairs In Final States Containing Tau-Leptons With The Atlas Detector
Gabriel Oliveira Correa
(The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))
8:40 PM
Discovery prospects for the top squark at the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC
Francesco De Santis
(INFN Lecce e Universita del Salento (IT))
8:40 PM
Search for higgsinos with compressed spectra exploiting a low-momentum track with large transverse impact parameter
Alessandro Sala
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
8:40 PM
Probing New Physics at future e+e- colliders with two-particle angular correlations
Emanuela Musumeci
(IFIC - Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
8:40 PM
CEPC carbon footprint and CO2 Reduction Optimization
Dou Wang
8:40 PM
Particle Identification Algorithms Based on Machine Learning for STCF
Yuncong Zhai
(Shandong University)
8:40 PM
Local renormalisation from Causal Loop-Tree Duality
German Sborlini
(Universidad de Salamanca e IUFFyM)
8:40 PM
International Masterclasses in Particles Physics - expanding geographically and broadening in scope
David Borgelt
(Universität Münster (DE))
8:40 PM
Engaging the Public – ATLAS Digital Communication
Katarina Anthony
8:40 PM
Engaging the Classroom – Colouring Books, Printables, Masterclasses, and More
Maria Moreno Llacer
(Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
8:40 PM
Engaging the World – The Popular ATLAS Detector Visit and Virtual Visit Programmes
Muhammad Alhroob
(University of Warwick)
8:40 PM
End-to-end tau reconstruction and identification using transformers
Norman Seeba
(National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))
8:40 PM
Triggering on electrons, photons, tau leptons, Jets and energy sums at HL-LHC with the upgraded CMS Level-1 Trigger
Haris Painesis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
8:40 PM
Machine learning based tau lepton identification for the CMS high-level trigger deployed for 13.6 TeV proton-proton collisions
Valentina Sarkisovi
(Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
8:40 PM
Hadronic tau tagging with the CMS detector using domain adaptation to mitigate discrepancies between simulation and data
Paola Mastrapasqua
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
8:40 PM
Sets are all you need: Ultrafast jet classification on FPGAs for HL-LHC
Andre Sznajder
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
8:40 PM
Transforming Particle Theory: Lagrangian Generation through Transformers
Yong Sheng Koay
(Uppsala University)
8:40 PM
Identification of Lorentz-boosted jets in the CMS experiment
Donato Troiano
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
8:40 PM
Benchmarking distributed-interactive HEP analysis workflows on the new Italian National Centre analysis infrastructure
Adelina D'Onofrio
(INFN Napoli (IT))
8:40 PM
Improving multi-track reconstruction algorithms in the Mu2e Experiment
Alessandro Maria Ricci
(INFN Pisa)
8:40 PM
Luminosity measurement using Timepix3 during 2018 pp-collisions at √𝒔= 13 TeV in the ATLAS experiment
Eric David Bosne
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
8:40 PM
Sub-GeV events energy reconstruction with 3-inch PMTs in JUNO
Yongbo Huang
(Guangxi University)
8:40 PM
Parameterize PMT Single Photoelectron Response Shape Variance with linear models
Yiyang Wu
(Tsinghua University)
8:40 PM
Characterisation studies of two front-end electronics chips for SiPM-based detectors
Yong Liu
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:40 PM
Advancements in Charge Detection: A High-Resolution, Wide Dynamic Range Prototype for Ion Beam Monitoring
Pietro Betti
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence and INFN sezione di Firenze)
8:40 PM
Expected Performance of Cosmic Muon Veto Detector at IICHEP, Madurai, India.
Gobinda Majumder
(Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
8:40 PM
Design, fabrication and characterization of a bias supply circuit for SiPMs
Prajjalak Chattopadhyay
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
8:40 PM
Triggering on muon showers in the Barrel Muon Trigger of the CMS experiment for the HL-LHC upgrades
Javier Prado Pico
(Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
8:40 PM
Tag and Probe technique tracking efficiency results at CMS
Brunella D'Anzi
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
8:40 PM
System tests with the TEPX detector for the CMS Inner Tracker upgrade
Fanqiang Meng
(University of Zurich (CH))
8:40 PM
Test beam performance of sensor modules for the CMS Barrel Timing Layer
Flavia Cetorelli
(INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
8:40 PM
Integration test of a new inner-station TGC system for the ATLAS experiment at HL-LHC
Arisa Wada
(Nagoya University (JP))
8:40 PM
Upgrade of the ATLAS Monitored Drift Tube detector for the HL-LHC
Jiajin Ge
(University of Michigan (US))
8:40 PM
The ATLAS Forward Proton Time-of-Flight Detector System
Karel Cerny
(Palacky University (CZ))
8:40 PM
LUCID-3: the upgrade of the ATLAS Luminosity detector for High Luminosity LHC
Jack Lindon
(University of Alberta (CA))
8:40 PM
Characterization with test beams of ITk pixel detectors for the upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Detector
Yusong Tian
(Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
8:40 PM
Summary of the ATLAS ITk strip tracker module pre-production
Jia Jian Teoh
(University of Toronto (CA))
8:40 PM
The ATLAS Inner Tracker Strip Detector system tests - development of DAQ and DCS
Zhengcheng Tao
(University of British Columbia (CA))
8:40 PM
A comprehensive firmware validation machinery for the Level-0 Endcap Muon trigger for LHC-ATLAS Phase2 upgrade
Erika Yamashita
(University of Tokyo (JP))
8:40 PM
ATLAS Trigger menu
Sofia Cella
8:40 PM
ATLAS Level-1 Trigger Menu Testing
Ondrej Penc
8:40 PM
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter time calibration, monitoring and performance
Martin Divisek
(Charles University (CZ))
8:40 PM
Calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
Danijela Bogavac
8:40 PM
Energy response of ATLAS Tile Calorimeter to isolated muons
Tadeas Petru
(Charles University (CZ))
8:40 PM
Exploring tomorrow’s Monte-Carlo generators: MC Validation in ATLAS with PAVER
Johanna Wanda Kraus
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
8:40 PM
The CMS Fast Beam Condition Monitor at the HL-LHC
Vahid Sedighzadeh Dalavi
(Isfahan University of Technology (IR))
8:40 PM
Quality control of LYSO:Ce crystals for the CMS barrel MIP Timing Detector
Petra Akrap
(Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
8:40 PM
Towards a precise measurement of particles time-of-flight with the new Mip Timing Detector for the CMS Experiment
Noemi Palmeri
(Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
8:40 PM
CMS improved Resistive Plate Chambers (iRPC) upgrade: Web-based automation for Quality Control
Ece Asilar
(Hanyang University)
8:40 PM
Testing of first preproduction ITk Pixel detector units
Hans Ludwig Joos
(Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
8:40 PM
Validation and performance results of the first CMS GEM GE2/1 muon production chambers
Tamer Elkafrawy
(Florida Institute of Technology (US))
8:40 PM
Online Monitoring System for the CMS GEM Detectors
Anureet Kaur Anureet Kaur
(Panjab University, Chandigarh)
8:40 PM
Run-3 improvements in the ATLAS online luminosity measurement
Renske Wierda
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))
8:40 PM
Unique Properties of the 3rd Group of Cosmic Rays measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
Jose Ocampo Peleteiro
(CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES))
8:40 PM
Unique Properties of Daily Helium Fluxes up to 100 GV
Francesco Faldi
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
8:40 PM
Towards the second generation of the Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes
Vlastimil Jilek
(Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Joint Laboratory of Optics of Palacký University and Institute of Physics AS CR, 17. listopadu 12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic)
8:40 PM
EFT Searches with the LZ Detector
Hugh Lippincott
8:40 PM
Solar axion search with TES microcalorimeters and an iron-57 absorber
Tomonori Ikeda
(Kyoto University)
8:40 PM
Study of $\gamma\gamma\to\gamma\gamma$ processes in UPC with future FoCal and ALICE 3 detector
Antoni Szczurek
8:40 PM
Event-by-event fluctuation of mean transverse momentum in pp, Xe–Xe and Pb–Pb collisions with ALICE
Tulika Tripathy
(IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))
8:40 PM
Observation of top-quark pair production in p+Pb collisions in the ATLAS experiment
Santu Mondal
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
8:40 PM
Lund Plane Reweighting for Jet Substructure Correction at CMS
Anna Benecke
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
8:40 PM
Far-forward production of charm and neutrinos in Forward Physics Facilities
Antoni Szczurek
8:40 PM
Femtoscopic measurement of proton source in pp collisions at √s = 900 GeV with ALICE.
Sofia Tomassini
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
8:40 PM
Exploring the $\Lambda(1520)$ resonance in high-multiplicity proton–proton collisions at LHC energies with ALICE
Sonali Padhan
(IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))
8:40 PM
Mean transverse momentum fluctuations in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV using ALICE detector at LHC
Bushra Ali
(Aligarh Muslim University (IN))
8:45 PM
Search for long-lived heavy neutral leptons decays to lepton and a jet from a displaced vertex at CMS
Mohamed Darwish
(Baylor University (US))
8:45 PM
The R&D of the MCP based PMTs for High Energy Physics Detectors
Sen Qian
8:45 PM
Results of a MUonE scaled detector with 160 GeV muon beam
Riccardo Pilato
(University of Liverpool (GB))
8:45 PM
Particle yield modification in jet-like regions using azimuthal di-hadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.36 TeV with ALICE
Sushanta Tripathy
8:45 PM
Phenomenology of matching exponentiated photonic radiation to a QED-corrected parton shower in KKMChh
Scott Alan Yost
(The Citadel - The Military College of South Carolina (US))
8:59 PM
ALICE charged-particle-jet trigger design in LHC Run 3
Filip Krizek
(Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ))