Acts Developers Meeting



Andreas Salzburger (CERN), Joana Niermann (Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))

General discussion on developments in Acts.

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Zoom Meeting ID
Paul Gessinger
Alternative hosts
Alexander J Pfleger, Joana Niermann
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    • 17:00 17:15
      CTD Abstract Discussion 15m
      • Seed finding in the Acts Software Package: Algorithms and Optimizations 5m


        Seed finding in the Acts Software Package: Algorithms and Optimizations

        Seed finding is an important and computationally expensive problem in
        the reconstruction of charged particle tracks; finding solutions to this
        problem involves forming triples (\emph{seeds}) of discrete points at
        which particles were detected (\emph{spacepoints}) in the detector
        volume. This combinatorial process scales cubically with the number of
        spacepoints, which in turn is expected to increase in future collision
        experiments as well as in upgrades to current experiments such as the
        HL-LHC (\emph{High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider}). The Acts (\emph{A
        Common Tracking Software}) software package provides a broad range of
        algorithms -- including seeding -- for the reconstruction of charge
        particle tracks in a broad range of detectors. In order to provide
        competitive performance -- in terms of computation as well as physics --
        for future experiments, the Acts software provides highly optimized seed
        finding algorithms which can be configured for different detector
        geometries. In this talk, we describe the seeding algorithms in traccc
        which reduce the combinatorial explosion problem through the use of
        structured grids and $k$-dimensional search trees. We compare the
        performance of these algorithms in CPU- and GPU-based environments.
        Finally, we discuss strategies for reducing the volume of output seeds
        -- which impacts the performance of other algorithms such as
        combinatorial Kalman filtering -- such as seed filtering and seed merging.


      • ACTS Measurement Calibration 5m
      • Exa.TrkX + CKF pipeline 5m
      • Seed and track selection with ML 5m
    • 17:15 17:40
      PR Recap 25m
      Speaker: Joana Niermann (Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
    • 17:40 17:55
      Round table 15m