31 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
Busan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Detecting axion dark matter with chiral magnetic effects

31 Aug 2023, 20:00
The Westin Josun Busan (Busan, South Korea)

The Westin Josun Busan

Busan, South Korea

2F Banquet Room (Cosmos) 67 Dongbaek-Ro, Haeundae, Busan, South Korea, 48100


Dr Sang Hui Ihm (CTPU, IBS)


We show that dark matter axions or axion-like particles (ALP) induce spontaneously alternating electric currents in conductors along the external magnetic fields due to the (medium) axial anomaly, realizing the chiral magnetic effects. We propose a new experiment to measure this current to detect the dark matter axions or ALP. These induced currents are the electron medium effects, directly proportional to the axion or ALP coupling to electrons, which depends on their microscopic physics, and also suppressed by the Fermi velocity.

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