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CERN openlab summer student lecture programme

Agent-Based Modeling: A Paradigm for Simulating Complex Systems

by Lukas Breitwieser (CERN, ETH Zurich), Tobias Duswald (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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Lecture Abstract:

In this lecture, we delve into the realm of agent-based modeling—an indispensable technique employed to simulate intricate systems across a multitude of disciplines, including biology, epidemiology, economics, finance, and various others.

Throughout this session, we will explore the fundamental principles and practical applications of agent-based modeling. Specifically, our focus will be on the development of a model that simulates the dynamics underlying cancer progression and therapeutic interventions. This case study will offer insights into the intricacies of developing an agent-based model, shedding light on the process, and unveiling the associated challenges.

Furthermore, we will explore the captivating domain of high-performance simulation engines. We will discuss the extensive optimizations implemented in the BioDynaMo platform. These optimizations are specifically designed to enable researchers and scientists to fully harness the computational power of modern hardware, thereby unlocking the true potential of agent-based modeling.

Short Biography: Tobias Duswald

Tobias Duswald is a dedicated physicist with a master's degree in particle physics from the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Currently pursuing his PhD at TUM and CERN, he focuses on stochastic modeling. Additionally, Tobias actively contributes to the development of BioDynaMo, a groundbreaking project that merges physics and biology to simulate complex biological systems. With his expertise and enthusiasm, Tobias aims to advance scientific knowledge and make meaningful contributions to the field.


Short Biography: Lukas Breitwieser

Lukas is the principal software engineer at BioDynaMo, the agent-based simulation platform presented in this lecture. Since its establishment in 2015, Lukas has spearheaded the major developments of the platform with a specific emphasis on developing a scalable and modular simulation engine.

Lukas earned a Master's degree in Software Development and Business Management from Graz University of Technology and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at ETH Zurich. His research focus encompasses a wide range of interests, including high-performance, parallel, distributed, and heterogeneous computing.

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