BE Seminars

Optimization of the High-Brightness Beam Performance of the CERN PSB with H- Injection

by Tirsi Prebibaj (CERN)





(password 210473)


"In the framework of the LHC Injectors Upgrade Project (LIU), the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) went through major upgrades to improve the machine performance, resulting in new effects to study, challenges to overcome and new parameter regimes to explore. To assess the achievable beam brightness limit of the machine, a series of experimental and computational studies in the transverse planes were performed. In particular, the new injection scheme induces optics perturbations that are strongly enhanced near the half-integer resonance. Methods for dynamically measuring and correcting these perturbations and their impact on the beam performance will be presented. Additionally, the quality of the transverse beam distributions and strategies for improvement will be addressed. Finally, the space charge effects when dynamically crossing the half-integer resonance will be characterized. The results of these studies and their broader significance beyond the PSB will be discussed.”