7 October 2023
Cape Town (South Africa)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Synoptic generation based on accelerator data & SSVGs

7 Oct 2023, 16:20
Room 8/9 ( Cape Town (South Africa))

Room 8/9

Cape Town (South Africa)

ICALEPCS 2023, CENTURY CITY CONVENTION CENTRE, 4 Energy Lane, Century City, Cape Town www.ccconferencecentre.co.za


Stephane Deghaye (CERN)


CERN has extensive data describing the accelerators and their beam-lines and several user communities expressed the wish to be able to leverage the data to produce dynamic synoptic views. While we are still in a prototyping stage, we would like to share with the community our requirements and initial implementation choices in order to gather experience-based feedback.
In addition, we will show the Stateful Scalable Vector Graphics (SSVG) application and how it has been integrated into CERN's WRAP platform.

Presentation materials