7 October 2023
Cape Town (South Africa)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Packaging the WRAP application for the CERN Control Centre

7 Oct 2023, 16:40
Room 8/9 ( Cape Town (South Africa))

Room 8/9

Cape Town (South Africa)

ICALEPCS 2023, CENTURY CITY CONVENTION CENTRE, 4 Energy Lane, Century City, Cape Town www.ccconferencecentre.co.za


Anti Asko (CERN)


The deployment of web applications directly in browsers for the accelerators control rooms can lead to integration and UX issues. In this session, we would like to report on our experience with the two leading solutions for the web application packaging, Electron and Tauri. We will present the benchmark results and well as how the development pipelines were set up to include package creation and deployment.

Presentation materials