7 October 2023
Cape Town (South Africa)
Europe/Zurich timezone


Charting Solutions & Data Decimation

7 Oct 2023, 15:30
Room 8/9 ( Cape Town (South Africa))

Room 8/9

Cape Town (South Africa)

ICALEPCS 2023, CENTURY CITY CONVENTION CENTRE, 4 Energy Lane, Century City, Cape Town www.ccconferencecentre.co.za


Charting Solutions & Data Decimation

  • Chris Roderick (CERN)


Charting solutions & data decimation (lightning talks / demos, followed by group-discussion).

Charting usually plays an important role in graphical applications and it is common to face challenges related to charting performance, especially for large volumes of data. In this session, we will look at a few charting solutions used in different institutes, from 3rd party libraries to custom developments. We will also explore examples of data decimation used to alleviate the performance needs placed upon the actual charts.

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