Escuela de Programación para Investigación Científica - EPIC III

Yachay Tech

Yachay Tech

Universidad Yachay Tech, Urcuqui, Ecuador

English [Español abajo]:

The "Grupo de Investigadores Latitud Cero,"  the "Departamento de Física de la Universidad Yachay Tech", the "Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE)", and the "Departamento de Física de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional,"  are co-organizing the new series of EPIC (Escuela de Programación para Investigación Científica) summer schools with the support of the ICTP Physics Without Frontiers program.

The third edition of EPIC will focus on introducing techniques for data analysis using Python and Julia as the main tools. The school will be held in person on the campus of Yachay Tech University from August 14th to August 18th. Yachay Tech is located in the beautiful area of Urcuquí, a place renowned for its pleasant weather conditions and its proximity to numerous tourist attractions, such as hot springs, lakes, mountains, and active and inactive volcanoes.

By the end of this workshop, students will gain the ability to perform basic data analysis on unprocessed raw data in order to extract important information about physical systems.

The number of participants is limited to the 20 most motivated students. Preference will be given to students in their last semesters. Scholarships will be provided free of charge to cover accommodation in the students residence of Yachay, few scholarships might include accommodation plus lunches for the most outstanding candidates throughout the duration of the school. Participants (or their universities) are expected to bear the costs of travel from their respective universities to Yachay. However, a few travel grants might be available.

Selected students will have the opportunity to present their own research work during a dedicated session.

Date: From August 14, 2023 to August 18, 2023

Duration: 5 days including 1 preparatory session and 6 tutorial sessions

Format: In person + some presentations in virtual format

Requirements and registration:

  • Complete the registration form in Indico.
  • A motivation letter (maximum 200 words) to be filled in the registry.

Recommended prerequisites: 

  • Basic programming experience. 
  • Basic knowledge of the English language.



El Grupo de Investigadores Latitud Cero, el Departamento de Física de la Universidad Yachay Tech, la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) y el Departamento de Física de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional con el apoyo del programa "Physics Without Frontiers" del ICTP, tienen el placer de presentar la escuela de verano EPIC (Escuela de Programación para Investigación Científica). La escuela se llevará a cabo de forma presencial del 14 al 18 de agosto de 2023 en el campus de Yachay Tech. Yachay Tech is located in the beautiful area of Urcuquí, a place renowned for its pleasant weather conditions and its proximity to numerous tourist attractions, such as hot springs, lakes, mountains, and active and inactive volcanoes.

La tercera edición de EPIC se centrará en la introducción de técnicas para el análisis de datos utilizando Python y Julia como herramientas principales. Al finalizar este taller, los estudiantes podrán realizar análisis básicos de datos sin procesar para extraer información importante sobre sistemas físicos.

El número de participantes está limitado a los 20 estudiantes más motivados. Se dará preferencia a los estudiantes de los últimos semestres. Se pueden proporcionar becas para cubrir el alojamiento en la residencia universitaria de estudiantes de Yachay, unas pocas becas podrían incluir alojamiento + almuerzos durante la duración de la escuela a los candidatos más destacados. Se espera que el participante (o su universidad) asuma los costos de viaje desde su universidad hasta Yachay. Sin embargo, algunas becas de viaje podrían estar disponibles.

Los estudiantes seleccionados de los últimos años tendrán la oportunidad (opcional) de presentar su propio trabajo de investigación durante una sesión dedicada.

Fecha: Del 14 de agosto de 2023 al 18 de agosto de 2023

Formato: En presencial en  el campus de Yachay Tech

Duración: 5 días que incluyen 1 sesión preparatoria y 6 sesiones a modo de tutoriales

Certificado: En formato digital pdf

La emisión de un certificado dependerá de la entrega de un código al final de la Escuela.

Requisitos y registro:

Completar la hoja de registro en Indico.

Una carta de motivación (máximo 200 palabras) que debe ser llenada durante el registro.

Pre-requisitos recomendados:

Experiencia básica en programación.

Conocimiento básico del idioma inglés.


Physics REBoot | Cof Alumni USB


Universidad Internacional del Ecuador - Sustainable Network - ISCN

    • 1
      Arrival to YT Campus
    • 18:30
    • 2
      Inaugural session

      Welcome to PWF and EPIC 3

    • 3
      Talk: The Frontiers of Computational Physics

      Today computers and computation is part of everyday life and one of the essential components of science. To name some examples, our mobile phones are more sophisticated computers than the first PCs, our IDs tend to be digital, everyone has emails and most people have mobile banks. In the last few months the new artificial intelligence (AI) softwares have generated much attention, however AI has been behind many computer applications for several years. Computation in the sciences has had a long history since the planning of the first Moon Landing in the 1960 to todays most advanced supercomputers. One of the obvious fields of scientific computing is the more and more complex theoretical computer simulations that drive the development of supercomputers. Another important fields are the computers that power the instruments of experimental research. For example, the brains of modern radio telescopes and large particle accelerators are supercomputers as well. In addition, to taking and generating data it is also essential to have the tools to analyse, visualise and disseminate this data. Having a good knowledge of computing these days can open the doors for working in sciences, in industry and in public offices.

      Speaker: Helga Denes (Yachay Tech)
    • 4
      Talk: Analysis of the generalized Starobinsky inflationary model

      In this work we solved the equation of scalar and tensor perturbations for the generalized Starobinsky inflationary model using the improved uniform approximation method and the phase-integral method up to third-order in deviation. We compare our results with the numerical integration. We have obtained that both semiclassical methods reproduce the scalar power spectra P, the scalar spectral index nS, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio r. Also we present our results in the (nS,r) plane.

      Speaker: Clara Rojas (Yachay Tech)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • 5
      Tutorial: FFT methods for fluid dynamics

      In this tutorial you will learn to use Fast Fourier Transform algorithms in python to solve parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations. There will be guided examples on how to solve the fluid dynamics equations and you will have the chance to work on proposed problems too.

      Speaker: Wladimir Banda Barragán (Yachay Tech)
    • 12:20
      Lunch break
    • 6
      Tutorial: Monte Carlo methods for physics

      In this tutorial you will learn to carry our Monte Carlo simulations in python with the purpose of studying physical systems. There will be guided examples on how to carry out Monte Carlo simulations, and you will have time to work on a proposed problem too.

      Speaker: Wladimir Banda Barragán (Yachay Tech)
    • 16:00
      Free time / Autonomous work
    • 18:30
    • 7
      Talk: Using deep learning to understand fish development

      The Pseudospectra is a powerful tool to analyze the behavior of dynamic systems associated to non-normal matrices. Studies and applications have increased in the last decades, thus, its efficient computation has become of interest for the scientific community. In the large scale setting, different approaches have been proposed, some of them based on projection on Krylov subspaces. In this talk, we will present a scheme for the parallel computation of the Pseudospectra, based on a domain decomposition of the interest region into subregions that can be assigned to a set of processors in order to accelerate the computation.

      Speaker: Andres Morales Navarrete (U Konstanz)
    • 8
      Talk: Pseudospectra of matrices and its computation
      Speaker: Zenaida Castillo (Yachay Tech)
    • 9
      Talk: The framework ROOT CERN and its use in particle physics

      Data analysis is a key component of experimental physics, this is why the knowledge of frameworks and programming languages is necessary for physicists. In particle physics for example, the ROOT framework is widely used because of its graphical interface for interactive analysis and its capacity to store and analyze large sets of data of more than 1 exabyte. In this talk, I will be introducing briefly the functionality of ROOT and relating it to my own research: the amplitude analysis of three-body decays.

      Speaker: Gustavo Loachamin (PUC Rio de Janeiro)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • 10
      Tutorial: Introduction to BioImage Analisys with Python

      Explanation about bioimages (i.e. fluorescence microscopy), Bioimage analysis example: quantifying cell morphology from 2D fluorescence micrographs, Importing images and plotting images, Logical operators (pixel-wise operations), Intensity Transformation, Filters and Fourier transformations, Segmentation, Extracting data from segmented images (e.g. cell area, elongation).

      Speaker: Andres Morales Navarrete (U Konstanz)
    • 12:20
      Lunch break
    • 11
      Tutorial: Deep learning for analisys and modelling of biological systems
      Speaker: Andres Morales Navarrete (U Konstanz)
    • 16:00
      Free time / Autonomous work
    • 18:30
    • 12
      Tutorial: Excited-state dynamics

      Photoinduced processes play a crucial role in different fields of science, for example, the photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore or the synthesis of vitamin D3. Additionally, they are crucial in the development of new technologies such as molecular electronic devices which can be controlled by light. These processes are governed mainly by nonadiabatic transitions which are radiationless electronic transitions between different non-Born-Oppenheimer states along the dynamic of a chemical reaction. In these two lessons, we are going to implement the Tully algorithm in Python to study a simple avoid crossing model as the first approach to a non-adiabatic transition.

      Speaker: Edison Salazar (U Groningen)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • 13
      Talk: Realidad histórica astronómica de la línea equinoccial. Reedición del experimento de Charles Marie de La Condamine

      Relatos y referencias históricas de las circunstancias e incidencias que llevaron a la creación del metro como unidad de medida de longitud por parte de los académicos de la Mision Geodesica francesa en Quito el año de 1744.

      Speaker: Nelson Herrera (UIDE)
    • 14
      Talk: TBD
      Speaker: Diego Morales (Yachay Tech)
    • 12:20
      Lunch break
    • 15
      Tutorial: Introduction to Particle Physics Analysis with Python
      Speakers: Alejandro Gomez Espinosa (ETH Zurich), Alejandro Gomez Espinosa
    • 16:00
      Free time / Autonomous work
    • 18:30
      Public Talk and Social Dinner
    • 16
      Tutorial: How to analyse 3D astrophysical data cubes

      Brief explanation on astrophysics behind galaxies and their neutral hydrogen (HI content). Reading in fits data cubes (3D spectral line data - HI data of a galaxy). Plotting slices of the 3D data cube and making moment maps. Downloading astronomical images from a database (for the same galaxy as the HI data). Making an overlay of the HI data onto an optical image. Calculating some basic statistics for the spectra. Averaging the spectra for the galaxy. Calculating the HI mass of a galaxy. Fitting a Gaussian to spectra

      Speaker: Helga Denes (Yachay Tech)
    • 17
      Talk: Loxa Smart, a protoype of smart and sustainable city
      Speaker: Roberto Jacome (UIDE)
    • 18
      Talk: Detección de la atención en clases virtuales a través de las acciones en el ordenador
      Speaker: Milton Palacios (UIDE)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • 19
      Talk: Hydrodynamic shielding in galactic multicloud outflows
      Speaker: Andres Villares (Yachay Tech)
    • 20
      Contributed talks

      Isabel Balvoa
      Mayra Tualombo
      Karla Conde
      Daniel Cordova
      Miguel Agama
      Lizbeth Lara
      Vicente Arévalo

    • 12:20
      Lunch break
    • 14:20
      Campus Tour YT
    • 16:00
      Free time / Autonomous work
    • 18:30
    • 21
      Student group talks

      Group 1: Monte Carlo methods
      Group 2: Computational Fluid Dynamics
      Group 3: Bio-image analysis
      Group 4: Deep learning methods
      Group 5: Materials Science A
      Group 6: Materials Science B
      Group 7: Particle Physics
      Group 8: Astrophysics A
      Group 9: Astrophysics B

    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • 22
      Talk: La vocación de las mujeres para estudiar carreras STEM: una mirada de Ecuador

      The social and historical construction of the role of women in society has been the subject of study of several feminist theories, which attempt to highlight the dichotomy in philosophical and sociocultural thought that validates the distribution of activities based on sex. The public, rational and technical has been relegated to men, while women represent the sensitive, emotional and private. This structure of stereotypes that is reproduced generationally allows us to discern the reasons why there are fewer women pursuing STEM careers. Identifying the reasons that drive women in their choice of a university career allows us to establish strategies to promote the vocation of women who are oriented towards science, technology, engineering and mathematics in Ecuador. The research also seeks to quantitatively evaluate the academic performance of women in STEM careers; and to analyze the participation of women in the field of research in higher education.The objective of the project is to analyze the factors motivating women to pursue STEM careers in Ecuador, Kazakhstan and India.

      Speaker: Paulina Vizcaino (UIDE)
    • 23
      Forum: Women in STEM
    • 12:20
      Final Remarks and Good bye lunch
    • 14:20
      Free time / Departure from YT Campus