VRE meeting group - Kick off meeting


Meeting transferred from https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/27018/

    • 11:05 AM 11:25 AM
      VRE and DLaaS presentation¶ 20m
    • 11:25 AM 11:55 AM
      Roundtable of participants: why do you want to join and what is your expertise? 30m


      - interested in data processing and distributing compute data as part of cern tier 1 centre

      - interface between WP2 and WP5

      - wants clear and tight goals

      - identifies as provider as well


      - learner and provider


      - learner and development, interested in rucio jupyter extension

      Ghita (on behalf of Fabio Fernandez):

      - provider for DL

      - working a lot on batch systems and dcache

      - LSST to provide workflows


      - data management at rucio

      - coordinator for atlas

      - coordinator of WLCG DOMA
      - understanding how to generalise workflows and integrating everything into a bigger whole